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Spezialanstalt für musikalische Arbeiten
— Georg Tomay —
Wien, I., Fichtegasse 1a Tel R-22-419

Herrn Professor Dr. Heinr. Schenker
Wien III.

Matritzen Zeichnungen für Lichtpausdruckverfahren von „Analysen von [?Tonurlinien] 1

Chopin Etude Op. 10 No 12 Hintergrund und Mittelgrund Sch 16.–
Vordergrund I 22.–
Vordergrund II/III 28.–
Vordergund IV 22.–
J. S. Bach Choral „Ich bins, ich sollte büssen“ 19.–
Wohtemperiertes Clavier 19.–
Haydn Sonate Es dur G. A. No 49 Durchführung I 23.–
Durchführung II 20.–
Chopin Etude f dur Op. 10. No 8 Htg. und Mtg. 13.–
Urlinie Tafel I 26.–
Urlinie Tafel II 21.–
____ ____
A cto 5. V. 88.–
17. V. 10.–[ 2 A. cto ab 98.–
____ ____
____ ____

[signed:] G.Tomay

dankend [?subliert ]

[signed:] G Tomay

© Transcription Ian Bent, 2023

Specialist Firm for Musical Works
— Georg Tomay —
Vienna I, Fichtegasse 1a Tel R-22-419

Professor Heinrich Schenker
Vienna III

Matrix drawings for the blueprint printing process of „Analyses of Tone [?Urlinien] 1

Chopin Etude, Op. 10 No. 12 Background and Middleground Sch 16.–
Foreground I 22.–
Foreground II/III 28.–
Foreground IV 22.–
J. S. Bach Choral “’Tis I, I should repent” 19.–
Well-tempered Clavier 19.–
Haydn Sonata in Eę major, Col. Edn. No. 49 Development Section I 23.–
Development Section II 20.–
Chopin Etude in F major, Op. 10. No. 8 Background and Middleground 13.–
Urlinie Graph I 26.–
Urlinie Graph II 21.–
____ ____
on account May 5 88.–
May 17: 10.– 2 on account deduct 98.–
____ ____
____ ____

With kind regards,
[signed:] G. Tomay

with thanks, paid

[signed:] G. Tomay

© Translation Ian Bent, 2023

Spezialanstalt für musikalische Arbeiten
— Georg Tomay —
Wien, I., Fichtegasse 1a Tel R-22-419

Herrn Professor Dr. Heinr. Schenker
Wien III.

Matritzen Zeichnungen für Lichtpausdruckverfahren von „Analysen von [?Tonurlinien] 1

Chopin Etude Op. 10 No 12 Hintergrund und Mittelgrund Sch 16.–
Vordergrund I 22.–
Vordergrund II/III 28.–
Vordergund IV 22.–
J. S. Bach Choral „Ich bins, ich sollte büssen“ 19.–
Wohtemperiertes Clavier 19.–
Haydn Sonate Es dur G. A. No 49 Durchführung I 23.–
Durchführung II 20.–
Chopin Etude f dur Op. 10. No 8 Htg. und Mtg. 13.–
Urlinie Tafel I 26.–
Urlinie Tafel II 21.–
____ ____
A cto 5. V. 88.–
17. V. 10.–[ 2 A. cto ab 98.–
____ ____
____ ____

[signed:] G.Tomay

dankend [?subliert ]

[signed:] G Tomay

© Transcription Ian Bent, 2023

Specialist Firm for Musical Works
— Georg Tomay —
Vienna I, Fichtegasse 1a Tel R-22-419

Professor Heinrich Schenker
Vienna III

Matrix drawings for the blueprint printing process of „Analyses of Tone [?Urlinien] 1

Chopin Etude, Op. 10 No. 12 Background and Middleground Sch 16.–
Foreground I 22.–
Foreground II/III 28.–
Foreground IV 22.–
J. S. Bach Choral “’Tis I, I should repent” 19.–
Well-tempered Clavier 19.–
Haydn Sonata in Eę major, Col. Edn. No. 49 Development Section I 23.–
Development Section II 20.–
Chopin Etude in F major, Op. 10. No. 8 Background and Middleground 13.–
Urlinie Graph I 26.–
Urlinie Graph II 21.–
____ ____
on account May 5 88.–
May 17: 10.– 2 on account deduct 98.–
____ ____
____ ____

With kind regards,
[signed:] G. Tomay

with thanks, paid

[signed:] G. Tomay

© Translation Ian Bent, 2023


1 The editorial dating of this item is based on the diary entry for May 18 (see footnote 2 below) supported by the two internal dates of May 5 and 17.

2 Schenker’s diary for May 17, 1932 records: “Tomay sen. bringt op. 10VIII.” (“Tomay senior brings Op. 10, No. 8.”); that for May 5 does not have a similar entry. — Schenker’s diary for May 18, 1932 records: “Tomay jun. bringt Korrigiertes, nimmt die letzten Blätter mit u. bringt alles nach einer Stunde wieder – abgeschlossen! – S. 229” (“Tomay junior brings corrected pages, takes the remaining pages with him, and returns with everything an hour later – finished! – 229 shillings.”), which corresponds with the figure two lines above.


Rights Holder
Heirs of Georg Tomay; deemed to be in the public
All reasonable attempts have been made to identify heirs of Georg Tomay. This document is deemed to be in the public domain. Any claim to intellectual rights should be addressed to the Schenker Correspondence Project, Faculty of Music, University of Cambridge, at schenkercorrespondence[at]mus(dot)cam(dot)ac(dot)uk.
1p invoice, stamped sender address, holograph (Georg Tomay) salutation, account, valediction, and signature, holograph (Tomay jnr) receipt and signature
Schenker, Heinrich (document date-1935)--Schenker, Jeanette (1935-1938)--Oster, Ernst (1938-c.1939)—New York Public Library (c.1939-)

Digital version created: 2023-08-17
Last updated: 2011-10-11