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OC A/284 - Handwritten letter from Moriz Schenker to Heinrich Schenker, dated December 5, 1934
⇧ M. SCHENKER & REICHER TELEPHON U-20-1-61 I. TRATTNERHOF 1 POSTSPARK.-KTO. C 82.412 WIEN, DEN⇧ 5/12 ⇧ 193⇧ 4 Herrn Prof. Dr. Heinrich Schenker Wien III Keilgasse 8 Meine Lieben! 1 Leider bin ich bis heute von Euch nicht angerufen worden, und ich bin aber doch der Ansicht, dass die Kurzwellenbestrahlungen Dir, lieber Heinrich, gewiss nützen werden. Da ich vergessen habe, Euch den Namen des Leiters der Kurzwellenstation auf der Klinik Pötzl 2 anzugeben, will ich das jetzt nachholen: Dr. Eugen Weissenberg 3 XVII Edelhofgasse 7 Tel. A. 10015, mit dem sich Euer Hausarzt in Verbindung setzen kann, wann er es für richtig hält. — Also, ich erwarte Nachricht, und verbleibe © Transcription Ian Bent, 2023 |
⇧ M. SCHENKER & REICHER TELEPHONE U-20-1-61 I, TRATTNERHOF 1 POSTAL SAVINGS BANK A/C C 82.412 VIENNA, ⇧ December 5, ⇧ 193⇧ 4 Prof. Heinrich Schenker Vienna III Keilgasse 8 My dears, 1 Unfortunately, up to today I have not been telephoned by you, but I am definitely of the opinion that short-wave radio therapy will be of real benefit to you, dear Heinrich. Since I forgot to let you have the name of the Director of the short-wave station at the Pötzl 2 Clinic, I will make good on that now: Dr. Eugen Weissenberg, 3 [Vienna] XVII, Edelhofgasse 7, tel. A. 10015, whom your personal doctor can contact if he considers it the right course of action. — So, I await news, and remain © Translation Ian Bent, 2023 |
Footnotes1 This is the first surviving item of correspondence between Moriz and Heinrich Schenker after a two-year gap, and the penultimate item of the entire correspondence. — Receipt of this letter is recorded in Heinrich’s diary for December 6, 1934: “Von Mozio (Br.): trägt den Namen des Kurzwellen-Mannes nach u. die Adresse.” (“From Mozio (letter): he adds the name of the shortwave [radiotherapy] man, and his address.”). — This is the last entry in Heinrich’s diary involving Moriz. — Moriz’s partner in the business was Jakob Reicher. 2 Probably Otto Pötzl (1877–1962), Austrian physician and psychiatrist, specialist in psychiatry and neurology. 3 Eugen Weissenberg, medical superintendent of the shortwave section of the University of Vienna's Clinic for Nervous and Mental Diseases. Heinrich’s diary for November 28, 1934 records: “Nach Tisch fällt die Ruhe aus, weil Mozio zur Jause bei uns ist: ¾4–6h! […] Empfiehlt die neue Kurzwellen-Therapie eines Dr. Weissenberg! Bittet die Schuld nicht löschen zu lassen (im beiderseitigen Interesse[)]. ” (“After lunch, the peace is disturbed because Mozio is with us for afternoon snack: 3:45 to 6 o’clock! [...] He recommends the new short-wave radiotherapy of a Dr. Weissenberg! He asks me not to have his debt cancelled (in the interests of both of us).”). |
Digital version created: 2024-02-20 |