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[picture: 3-storey house with garden, captioned: “ERHOLUNGSHEIM DES R. K. T. V. SÜDOSTSEITE”]

Erholungsheim des Reichsverbandes
akad. Kriegsteilnehmer
Aigen bei Salzburg Doktorschlößl

[An:] Herrn Dr. Heinrich Schenker
Schloß Reigersberg
bei Ilz
16. VIII. 33

Lieber Verehrter! 1

Nach zweifach heißer Wiener Tagen bin ich hier in neue Pflichten gekommen. Ich traf am ersten Tage (7.) H. samt Frau hier und hatte den besten Eindruck von Beiden. Er kommt morgen zum „Faust“ wieder. Sie reisen im September nach Südfrankreich und kommen dann nach Wien, ohne das Reich mehr zu suchen. Ziel – keines.

Für Ihre beiden lieben Briefe 2 kann ich auch heute nur danken. Heil dem Freien Satze! 3

Hausleithner 4 kenne ich nur vom Schbt–Kongreß. Über Benn sprach H. mehr.

Die Meinen (membra disjecta) 5 sind wohl. Ich bin vom 21. bis 1. in Wien. Dann bis 10. IX. in der Tschechei. Empfehlen Sie mich Ihrer Frau.

[upper margin, upside down:]
Ihr herzlich ergebener
[signed:] O E Deutsch

© Transcription William Drabkin, 2023

[picture: 3-storey house with garden, captioned: “CONVALESCENT HOME OF THE R. K. T. V. SOUTH-EAST FACE”]

Convalescent Home of the Imperial Association
of Academic War Veterans
Aigen near Salzburg Doktorschlößl

[To:] Dr. Heinrich Schenker
Castle Reigersberg
near Ilz
(East Styria)
August 16, 1933

Dear revered friend, 1

After twofold hot days in Vienna, I have arrived here with new duties. On the first day, the 7th, I met Hoboken and his wife here and had the best impression of both of them. He is again coming tomorrow, to see Faust. They are travelling to the south of France in September and then coming to Vienna, without seeking the [German] empire any more. Goal – none.

Today I can only thank you for your two kind letters. 2 Hail to Free Composition ! 3

I know Hausleithner 4 only from the Schubert Congress. H. spoke more about Benn.

My family (scattered fragments) 5 are well. I shall be in Vienna from the 21st to the 1st, then until September 10 in Czechoslovakia. Give your wife my best regards.

[upper margin, upside down:]
Your cordially devoted
[signed:] O E Deutsch

© Translation William Drabkin, 2023

[picture: 3-storey house with garden, captioned: “ERHOLUNGSHEIM DES R. K. T. V. SÜDOSTSEITE”]

Erholungsheim des Reichsverbandes
akad. Kriegsteilnehmer
Aigen bei Salzburg Doktorschlößl

[An:] Herrn Dr. Heinrich Schenker
Schloß Reigersberg
bei Ilz
16. VIII. 33

Lieber Verehrter! 1

Nach zweifach heißer Wiener Tagen bin ich hier in neue Pflichten gekommen. Ich traf am ersten Tage (7.) H. samt Frau hier und hatte den besten Eindruck von Beiden. Er kommt morgen zum „Faust“ wieder. Sie reisen im September nach Südfrankreich und kommen dann nach Wien, ohne das Reich mehr zu suchen. Ziel – keines.

Für Ihre beiden lieben Briefe 2 kann ich auch heute nur danken. Heil dem Freien Satze! 3

Hausleithner 4 kenne ich nur vom Schbt–Kongreß. Über Benn sprach H. mehr.

Die Meinen (membra disjecta) 5 sind wohl. Ich bin vom 21. bis 1. in Wien. Dann bis 10. IX. in der Tschechei. Empfehlen Sie mich Ihrer Frau.

[upper margin, upside down:]
Ihr herzlich ergebener
[signed:] O E Deutsch

© Transcription William Drabkin, 2023

[picture: 3-storey house with garden, captioned: “CONVALESCENT HOME OF THE R. K. T. V. SOUTH-EAST FACE”]

Convalescent Home of the Imperial Association
of Academic War Veterans
Aigen near Salzburg Doktorschlößl

[To:] Dr. Heinrich Schenker
Castle Reigersberg
near Ilz
(East Styria)
August 16, 1933

Dear revered friend, 1

After twofold hot days in Vienna, I have arrived here with new duties. On the first day, the 7th, I met Hoboken and his wife here and had the best impression of both of them. He is again coming tomorrow, to see Faust. They are travelling to the south of France in September and then coming to Vienna, without seeking the [German] empire any more. Goal – none.

Today I can only thank you for your two kind letters. 2 Hail to Free Composition ! 3

I know Hausleithner 4 only from the Schubert Congress. H. spoke more about Benn.

My family (scattered fragments) 5 are well. I shall be in Vienna from the 21st to the 1st, then until September 10 in Czechoslovakia. Give your wife my best regards.

[upper margin, upside down:]
Your cordially devoted
[signed:] O E Deutsch

© Translation William Drabkin, 2023


1 Receipt of this postcard is recorded in Schenker’s diary for August 18, 1933: “Von Deutsch (K.): A. v. H. gesehen, der im September nach Südfrankreich geht u. im Oktober in Wien sein will; ‘Ziel – keins’!” (“From Deutsch (postcard): he has seen Hoboken, who is going to the south of France in September and hopes to be in Vienna in October; ‘aim – none’!”). — At three points where Deutsch inserted a hyphen then started a new topic, paragraph-breaks have been supplied editorially.

2 Between the receipt of Deutsch’s letter of July 12, OJ 10/3, [195], and this postcard of August 16, Schenker recorded writing only one letter to Deutsch, on July 19: “An Deutsch (Br.): keine Antwort von v. H.! Neue Taktik einer Nichtpräzision. Grafs Diebstahl kein “Fortschritt”, mehr Fortschritte gehörten zu einem wirklichen Fortschritt. Ueber die Feier meines Geburtstages in Neu-Münster.” (“To Deutsch (letter): no reply from Hoboken! New tactic of imprecision. Graf’s theft is no ‘progress’; more progress would be needed if one were to speak of real progress. Concerning the celebration of my birthday in Neu-Münster”). The other letter may have mentioned progress on Der freie Satz, as Deutsch refers to it here. — Graf’s “theft” appears several times in Schenker’s diary and in other correspondence; it refers to the imprecisedly attributed appropriation by Max Graf of material from Schenker’s monograph Beethovens Neunte Sinfonie in a program note on the work for a concert on June 18.

3 Deutsch may be poking fun here at the “German greeting,” Heil Hitler! or Sieg Heil!, which became obligatory under a decree of July 13, 1933.

4 Possibly Alexander Hausleithner (1884–1934), a Viennese magistrate by profession but also an organist and church musician. He studied music at the University of Vienna for six semesters in the 1920s, though without receiving any qualification.

5 “membra disjecta”: a term referring to fragments of ancient poetry found in sources for other works, and also used for shards of ancient pottery.


printed picture postcard: printed photograph, recto; holograph sender and recipient addresses, salutation, message, valediction, and signature, postmarks and postage stamp, verso
Schenker, Heinrich (document date-1935)--Schenker, Jeanette (1935-c.1942)--Ratz, Erwin (c.1942-c.1956)--Jonas, Oswald (c.1956-1978)--University of California, Riverside (1978--)
Rights Holder
Heirs of Otto Erich and Hanna Deutsch, published by kind permission
Permission to publish granted by the heirs of Otto Erich and Hanna Deutsch on February 12, 2008. Any claim to intellectual rights should be addressed to the Schenker Correspondence Project, Faculty of Music, University of Cambridge, at schenkercorrespondence[at]mus(dot)cam(dot)ac(dot)uk

Digital version created: 2023-08-25
Last updated: 2015-09-19