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[Absender:] Westphalenstr. 25
Aussig 2. Feber 1938

[An:]Wohlgeborene Frau Dr. Heinrich Schenker
Wien I
Reichratsstr. 7 III/19

[postmark:] || [ÚSTÍ NAD LA]BEM 2 | [illeg] 20 | [illeg] | [* AUSS]IG 2 * ||
[postage stamps have been torn off]]

Antw [indecipherable shorthand]

Liebe Lie-Lie!

Wir erhielten diese Tage deine Karte und szt. den Brief nebst zwei Beitragen[.]

Rosels Stillschweigen entstand dadurch, daß sie stark an [?Darhias] leidet und daß bei mir einige Altersbeschwerden auftreten.

{verso} Rosel wollte Dir gestern schreiben, doch mußte sie zu Hella fahren, die krank ist und von der Nachricht vom vorgestern erfolgten Ableben ihres Mannes 1 derart hergenommen ist, daß Rosel heute wieder bei ihr ist.

Ich wünsche Dir recht angenehmen Aufenthalt in Gries und bin

mit herzlichsten Grüßen von Rosel & von mir
[signed:] Arnold

© Transcription Ian Bent, 2024


[From:] Westphalenstraße 25
Aussig February 2, 1938

[To:]Mrs. Heinrich Schenker
Reichratsstraße 7 III/19
Vienna I

[postmark:] || [ÚSTÍ NAD LA]BEM 2 | [illeg] 20 | [illeg] | [* AUSS]IG 2 * ||
[postage stamps have been torn off]]

Answered [indecipherable shorthand]

Dear Lie-Lie,

We received your postcard today and at the same time your letter along with two inclosures.

Rosel’s silence comes about because she is suffering acutely from [medical term?], and because in my case various old-age afflictions are affecting [me].

{verso} Rosel wanted to write to you yesterday, but she had to go to Hella, who is unwell, and the news of the death yesterday of her husband 1 explains why Rosel is again with her today.

I wish you a very pleasant holiday in Gries and remain,

with most cordial greeting from Rosel and myself,
[signed:] Arnold

© Translation Ian Bent, 2024


[Absender:] Westphalenstr. 25
Aussig 2. Feber 1938

[An:]Wohlgeborene Frau Dr. Heinrich Schenker
Wien I
Reichratsstr. 7 III/19

[postmark:] || [ÚSTÍ NAD LA]BEM 2 | [illeg] 20 | [illeg] | [* AUSS]IG 2 * ||
[postage stamps have been torn off]]

Antw [indecipherable shorthand]

Liebe Lie-Lie!

Wir erhielten diese Tage deine Karte und szt. den Brief nebst zwei Beitragen[.]

Rosels Stillschweigen entstand dadurch, daß sie stark an [?Darhias] leidet und daß bei mir einige Altersbeschwerden auftreten.

{verso} Rosel wollte Dir gestern schreiben, doch mußte sie zu Hella fahren, die krank ist und von der Nachricht vom vorgestern erfolgten Ableben ihres Mannes 1 derart hergenommen ist, daß Rosel heute wieder bei ihr ist.

Ich wünsche Dir recht angenehmen Aufenthalt in Gries und bin

mit herzlichsten Grüßen von Rosel & von mir
[signed:] Arnold

© Transcription Ian Bent, 2024


[From:] Westphalenstraße 25
Aussig February 2, 1938

[To:]Mrs. Heinrich Schenker
Reichratsstraße 7 III/19
Vienna I

[postmark:] || [ÚSTÍ NAD LA]BEM 2 | [illeg] 20 | [illeg] | [* AUSS]IG 2 * ||
[postage stamps have been torn off]]

Answered [indecipherable shorthand]

Dear Lie-Lie,

We received your postcard today and at the same time your letter along with two inclosures.

Rosel’s silence comes about because she is suffering acutely from [medical term?], and because in my case various old-age afflictions are affecting [me].

{verso} Rosel wanted to write to you yesterday, but she had to go to Hella, who is unwell, and the news of the death yesterday of her husband 1 explains why Rosel is again with her today.

I wish you a very pleasant holiday in Gries and remain,

with most cordial greeting from Rosel and myself,
[signed:] Arnold

© Translation Ian Bent, 2024


1 Hella’s husband was Emil Hatschek (1883-1938).


printed postcard: holograph (Arnold) sender and recipients addresses, salutation and message beginning, holograph (Jeanette Schenker) annotation, postage stamp and postmark, recto; holograph (Arnold) message conclusion, valediction, and signature, verso
Schenker, Heinrich (document date-1935)--Schenker, Jeanette (1934-c.1942)--Ratz, Erwin (c.1942-c.1945)--Jonas, Oswald (c.1945-1978)--University of California, Riverside (1978--)
Rights Holder
Heirs of Arnold and Rosa Weil; deemed to be in the public domain
Attempts to identify the heirs of Arnold and Rosa Weil have proved unsuccessful. This document is deemed to be in the public domain. Any claim to intellectual rights should be addressed to Schenker Documents Online, Faculty of Music, University of Cambridge, at schenkercorrespondence[at]mus(dot)cam(dot)ac(dot)uk.

Digital version created: 2024-08-01
Last updated: 2010-03-11