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Cession. 1

Ich habe von Herrn Kammerrat Mendl einen Betrag von 10.000 K (zehntausend Kronen) erhalten und cediere ihm unter Haftung für Richtigkeit und Einbringlichkeit bis zur Höhe von 10.000 K meine Legats- Renten- oder sonstigen Bezüge aus der Verlassenschaft bzw. Forderungen & Ansprüche gegen d. Verl nach der am 5. Jänner 1917 verstorbenen Frau Sofie Deutsch.

Sollte von dieser Verlassenschaft oder vom Gerichte diese Cession nicht anerkannt werden oder innerhalb 2 Jahren diese Bezüge von 10.000 K von der Verlassenschaft an Herrn Kammerrat Fritz Mendl zu Handen des Herrn Dr. Siegfried Türkel nicht oder nicht zur Gänze ausbezahlt werden, dann habe ich selbstverständlich diese Beträge am Herrn Kammerrat Fritz Mendl zu Handen des Herrn Dr. Siegfried Türkel aus Eigenem rückzuerstatten. 2 Eventuelle mir von der Verlassenschaftsabhandlung für diese Beträge zufallende Zinsen gebühren Herrn Kammerrat Fritz Mendl, während ich andrerseits für den Fall ich von der Verlassenschaft keine Zinsen für diese 10.000 K erhalte, für den Zeitraum von 2 Jahren Herrn Kammerrat Fritz Mendl hiefür keine Zinsen zu bezahlen habe,

Folgt Unterschrift.

Die Cession ist mit 100 K zu stempeln und der Stempel mit der ersten Zeile zu überschreiben.

© Transcription Ian Bent, 2006, 2021

Disclaimer 1

I have received a sum of 10,000 (ten thousand) Kronen from Chamber Counselor Mendl, and cede to him under liability for advisability and profitability up to the sum of 10,000 Kronen my legacy- pension- or other emoluments from the estate or demands and claims against the estate of Mrs. Sofie Deutsch, who died on January 5, 1917.

Should this disclaimer not be recognised by this estate or by the court, or should these emoluments of 10,000 Kronen not be paid out, in part or whole, from the estate to the Chamber Counsellor Fritz Mendl within two years through the hands of Dr. Siegfried Türkel, then I have of course to restitute these sums to Chamber Counsellor Fritz Mendel through the hands of Dr. Siegfried Türkel out of my own resources. 2 Any interest accruing to me from the transactions of the estate for these sums is due to Chamber Counsellor Fritz Mendl, while I on the other hand in the event that I receive no interest from the estate for these 10,000 Kronen, for the period of two years shall have no interest to pay to Chamber Counsellor Fritz Mendl for this.

Signature follows.

The disclaimer is to be stamped with 100 Kronen and the stamp overwritten upon the initial lines.

© Translation Ian Bent, 2006, 2021

Cession. 1

Ich habe von Herrn Kammerrat Mendl einen Betrag von 10.000 K (zehntausend Kronen) erhalten und cediere ihm unter Haftung für Richtigkeit und Einbringlichkeit bis zur Höhe von 10.000 K meine Legats- Renten- oder sonstigen Bezüge aus der Verlassenschaft bzw. Forderungen & Ansprüche gegen d. Verl nach der am 5. Jänner 1917 verstorbenen Frau Sofie Deutsch.

Sollte von dieser Verlassenschaft oder vom Gerichte diese Cession nicht anerkannt werden oder innerhalb 2 Jahren diese Bezüge von 10.000 K von der Verlassenschaft an Herrn Kammerrat Fritz Mendl zu Handen des Herrn Dr. Siegfried Türkel nicht oder nicht zur Gänze ausbezahlt werden, dann habe ich selbstverständlich diese Beträge am Herrn Kammerrat Fritz Mendl zu Handen des Herrn Dr. Siegfried Türkel aus Eigenem rückzuerstatten. 2 Eventuelle mir von der Verlassenschaftsabhandlung für diese Beträge zufallende Zinsen gebühren Herrn Kammerrat Fritz Mendl, während ich andrerseits für den Fall ich von der Verlassenschaft keine Zinsen für diese 10.000 K erhalte, für den Zeitraum von 2 Jahren Herrn Kammerrat Fritz Mendl hiefür keine Zinsen zu bezahlen habe,

Folgt Unterschrift.

Die Cession ist mit 100 K zu stempeln und der Stempel mit der ersten Zeile zu überschreiben.

© Transcription Ian Bent, 2006, 2021

Disclaimer 1

I have received a sum of 10,000 (ten thousand) Kronen from Chamber Counselor Mendl, and cede to him under liability for advisability and profitability up to the sum of 10,000 Kronen my legacy- pension- or other emoluments from the estate or demands and claims against the estate of Mrs. Sofie Deutsch, who died on January 5, 1917.

Should this disclaimer not be recognised by this estate or by the court, or should these emoluments of 10,000 Kronen not be paid out, in part or whole, from the estate to the Chamber Counsellor Fritz Mendl within two years through the hands of Dr. Siegfried Türkel, then I have of course to restitute these sums to Chamber Counsellor Fritz Mendel through the hands of Dr. Siegfried Türkel out of my own resources. 2 Any interest accruing to me from the transactions of the estate for these sums is due to Chamber Counsellor Fritz Mendl, while I on the other hand in the event that I receive no interest from the estate for these 10,000 Kronen, for the period of two years shall have no interest to pay to Chamber Counsellor Fritz Mendl for this.

Signature follows.

The disclaimer is to be stamped with 100 Kronen and the stamp overwritten upon the initial lines.

© Translation Ian Bent, 2006, 2021


1 This undated document is filed after OJ 14/40, [1a] in the Jonas Memorial Collection. Since these are the only items in that folder, it is possible — but by no means assured, since the letter makes no mention of the document, and the word “inclosure” does not appear at the foot of the letter as would be proper – that the document was enclosed with OJ 14/40, [1a], dated December 27, 1918. For this reason, the letter and the document have been assigned suffixes “[a]” and “[b]” so as to avoid the implication either that they are entirely unrelated or that they constitute a single document. — In OC 1B/34r, February 24, 1918, Schenker refers to a Verzicht (disclaimer) made by him on June 1, 1917 to Fritz Mendl. The present document, OJ 14/40, [1b], is taken to be a copy of that document with additions, and it has been provisionally dated at the same date as OJ 14/40, [1a]. The word Cession (mod. Zession) from the past participle (cessus) of Latin cedere, to cede, to yield to another, is cognate with the German verb cedieren (mod. zedieren) used in this document. "Disclaimer" has been used here to translate it in the absence of any satisfactory English word.

2 This concerns a sum of 10,000 Marks that Sofie Deutsch settled on Schenker in January 1916 to help pay the publishing costs of his future publications. Her letter of OJ 10/4, [1] specified the maximum amount available in any given year. At her death on January 5, 1917, her will, as detailed in OJ 12/52, [1], bequeathed to him a legacy of 5,000 Kronen as well as a half-yearly pension. Schenker hoped that these sums would be cumulative (see OC 1B/19-20); however, this disclaimer shows that he was obliged to discount the legacy against the earlier sum (from which he had evidently not drawn).


1p document, typewritten content, with manuscript addition
Schenker, Heinrich (document-1935)-- Schenker, Jeanette (1935-1938)--Oster, Ernst (1938-c.1939)—New York Public Library (c.1939-)
Rights Holder
Heirs of Heinrich Schenker; deemed to be in the public domain.
All reasonable efforts have been made to identify heirs of Heinrich Schenker. This document is deemed to be in the public domain. Any claim to intellectual rights on this document should be addressed to the Schenker Correspondence Project, Faculty of Music, University of Cambridge, at schenkercorrespondence[at]mus(.)cam(.)ac(.)uk

Digital version created: 2006-09-25
Last updated: 2010-02-26