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OJ 15/8, [2] - Typewritten letter from Waldheim–Eberle to Schenker, dated October 31, 1905
⇧ Telefon No. 133 Stein- / Buch- / Kunst- / und / Musikalien- / Druckerei [decorative engraved image] R. v. WALDHEIM [shield] JOS. EBERLE & Co. ERSTE WIENER ZEITUNGS-GESELLSCHAFT Wien, ⇧ 31. October, 05. ⇧ VII/1. SEIDENGASSE 3—9 ⇧ Hochwohlgeboren Herrn H. Schenker, Wien. Jn höfl. Erwiderung Jhrer gesch. Zuschrift 1 teilen mit, dass wir Jhnen die Tabelle 2 natürlich sofort wieder 3 zur Verfügung stellen können, nur hätten wir gerne an der Hand der bereits vorliegenden Einteilung [cued from lower left margin:] ⇧ u. fertigen Skizze[end cue] die Sache noch vorher mit Jhnen besprochen, und bitten daher um frdl. Mitteilung, ob wir auf Jhren Besuch vor Retournierung der Tabelle rechnen können. Wenn ja bitten jedoch die Stunde vorher anzugeben, damit Herr Director Stritzko bestimmt anwesend. Jnzwischen zeichnen © Transcription Ian Bent, 2007, 2023 |
⇧ Telephone No. 133 Lithographic, book, art, and music printer [decorative engraved image] R. v. WALDHEIM [shield] JOS. EBERLE & Co. FIRST VIENNESE NEWSPAPER SOCIETY Vienna, ⇧ October 31, 1905 ⇧ VII/1, SEIDENGASSE 3—9 ⇧ H. Schenker, Esq. Vienna In respectful response to your esteemed letter, 1 we would inform you that we can of course place the Table 2 at your disposal again 3 immediately, but we should prefer first to have discussed the matter with you, with the layout in its current state to hand [cued from lower left margin:] ⇧ and the completed sketch[end cue], and we accordingly should be grateful if you would kindly let us know whether we can count on a visit from you before returning the Table . If so, we ask you, however, to indicate the time in advance so that Director Stritzko can be sure to be present. Meantime, we remain, © Translation Ian Bent, 2007, 2023 |
⇧ Telefon No. 133 Stein- / Buch- / Kunst- / und / Musikalien- / Druckerei [decorative engraved image] R. v. WALDHEIM [shield] JOS. EBERLE & Co. ERSTE WIENER ZEITUNGS-GESELLSCHAFT Wien, ⇧ 31. October, 05. ⇧ VII/1. SEIDENGASSE 3—9 ⇧ Hochwohlgeboren Herrn H. Schenker, Wien. Jn höfl. Erwiderung Jhrer gesch. Zuschrift 1 teilen mit, dass wir Jhnen die Tabelle 2 natürlich sofort wieder 3 zur Verfügung stellen können, nur hätten wir gerne an der Hand der bereits vorliegenden Einteilung [cued from lower left margin:] ⇧ u. fertigen Skizze[end cue] die Sache noch vorher mit Jhnen besprochen, und bitten daher um frdl. Mitteilung, ob wir auf Jhren Besuch vor Retournierung der Tabelle rechnen können. Wenn ja bitten jedoch die Stunde vorher anzugeben, damit Herr Director Stritzko bestimmt anwesend. Jnzwischen zeichnen © Transcription Ian Bent, 2007, 2023 |
⇧ Telephone No. 133 Lithographic, book, art, and music printer [decorative engraved image] R. v. WALDHEIM [shield] JOS. EBERLE & Co. FIRST VIENNESE NEWSPAPER SOCIETY Vienna, ⇧ October 31, 1905 ⇧ VII/1, SEIDENGASSE 3—9 ⇧ H. Schenker, Esq. Vienna In respectful response to your esteemed letter, 1 we would inform you that we can of course place the Table 2 at your disposal again 3 immediately, but we should prefer first to have discussed the matter with you, with the layout in its current state to hand [cued from lower left margin:] ⇧ and the completed sketch[end cue], and we accordingly should be grateful if you would kindly let us know whether we can count on a visit from you before returning the Table . If so, we ask you, however, to indicate the time in advance so that Director Stritzko can be sure to be present. Meantime, we remain, © Translation Ian Bent, 2007, 2023 |
Footnotes1 Schenker’s letter to Waldheim-Eberle is not known to survive, and its writing is not recorded in Schenker’s diary, as is also the case with receipt of the current letter. 2 Artur Niloff [pseud. of Heinrich Schenker], Instrumentations-Tabelle, later published Vienna: Universal Edition, 1/1908, 9/1937. 3 This seems to imply that Schenker has already had sight of the Tabelle. |
Digital version created: 2023-09-01 |