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[Absender: ] Dr H Schenker
III, Reisnerstr. 38

[An: ] H. Prof. Moriz Violin
Sechshauserstr. 126
[postmark:] || 3/3 WIEN 43 | 13. III. 19–5 | * R * ||

Fl! 1

Wie stehts denn jetzt mit deinen Aussichten? Man sollte denken, Wiener geht zur Tür hinaus, u. zu einer anderen du hinein, nicht? Sonntag war sehr schön, 2 da hatten wir aber einen Weg in die L[inke] Wienzeile, wo wir ein Andenken an die Mama abzuholen hatten. Hoffentlich gehts – buchstäblich genommen – ein [illegible word] bei ebensolchem Wetter 3 denn doch hieraus zu Euch.

Vorläufig also beste Grüße
2 : 5 (?)
[signed:] Dein HS
13./3 1919, da wir wieder nichts gewonnen! 4

© Transcription Ian Bent and William Drabkin, 2009

[From: ]Dr. Heinrich Schenker,
[Vienna] III, Reisnerstraße 38

[To: ] Prof. Moriz Violin,
[Vienna] XIII,
Sechshauserstraße 126
[postmark:] || 3/3 VIENNA 43 | 13. III. 19–5 | * R * ||

Floriz, 1

So how are things going now with your prospects? One should think: Wiener goes out of the door, and you [enter] by another, no? Sunday was very pleasant, 2 but we had a walk to the Left Wienzeile, where we had to pick up a memorial to Mama. Let us hope – in the literal sense – for an [illegible word] of just such weather, 3 for [we will] certainly [come] out to [visit] you.

So, provisionally cordial greetings,
2 : 5 (?)
[signed:] Your HS
March 13, 1919, as we have again won nothing! 4

© Translation Ian Bent and William Drabkin, 2009


1 Writing of this postcard is not recorded in Schenker's diary (OJ 2/14, p. 2041). "* R *" in the postmark indicates that the postcard was sent express, by pneumatic post (Rohrpost). Schenker records in his diary at OJ 2/14, p. 2042, March 17: " Floriz zu Tisch; hofft auf Wiedereintritt in die Akademie …" ("Floriz to lunch; he is hoping for re-entry to the Academy …").

2 There is no reference to Violin in Schenker's diary for Sunday March 9 (OJ 2/14, p. 2040) or for Sunday March 2 (OJ 2/14, p. 2039). On March 9, the weather was fine, and Heinrich and Jeanette went to the Grubers' house, where they discussed possible investment in a speculative house purchase by Gruber and Wilhelm Schenker.

3 Schenker had recorded the weather as "schön" (beautiful) in his diary for several days prior to the 13th.

4 i.e. they played the lottery without success.


Handwritten postcard, holograph addresses recto, holograph message and signature verso
Violin, Moriz (document date-1956)--Heirs of Moriz Violin (1956-197?)--University of California, Riverside (197?--)
Rights Holder
Heirs of Heinrich Schenker, deemed to be in the public domain
All reasonable steps have been taken to locate the heirs of Heinrich Schenker. Any claim to intellectual rights on this document should be addressed to the Schenker Documents Online, at schenkercorrespondence [at] mus (dot) cam (dot) ac (dot) uk

Digital version created: 2009-05-01
Last updated: 2010-06-15