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OJ 8/3, [66] - Handwritten postcard from Heinrich Schenker to Moriz Violin, dated March 13, 1919
[Absender: ] Dr H Schenker III, Reisnerstr. 38 [An: ] H. Prof. Moriz Violin XIII., Sechshauserstr. 126 [postmark:] || 3/3 WIEN 43 | 13. III. 19–5 | * R * || {verso} Fl! 1 Wie stehts denn jetzt mit deinen Aussichten? Man sollte denken, Wiener geht zur Tür hinaus, u. zu einer anderen du hinein, nicht? Sonntag war sehr schön, 2 da hatten wir aber einen Weg in die L[inke] Wienzeile, wo wir ein Andenken an die Mama abzuholen hatten. Hoffentlich gehts – buchstäblich genommen – ein [illegible word] bei ebensolchem Wetter 3 denn doch hieraus zu Euch. © Transcription Ian Bent and William Drabkin, 2009 |
[From: ]Dr. Heinrich Schenker, [Vienna] III, Reisnerstraße 38 [To: ] Prof. Moriz Violin, [Vienna] XIII, Sechshauserstraße 126 [postmark:] || 3/3 VIENNA 43 | 13. III. 19–5 | * R * || {verso} Floriz, 1 So how are things going now with your prospects? One should think: Wiener goes out of the door, and you [enter] by another, no? Sunday was very pleasant, 2 but we had a walk to the Left Wienzeile, where we had to pick up a memorial to Mama. Let us hope – in the literal sense – for an [illegible word] of just such weather, 3 for [we will] certainly [come] out to [visit] you. So, provisionally cordial greetings, 2 : 5 (?) [signed:] Your HS March 13, 1919, as we have again won nothing! 4 © Translation Ian Bent and William Drabkin, 2009 |
Footnotes1 Writing of this postcard is not recorded in Schenker's diary (OJ 2/14, p. 2041). "* R *" in the postmark indicates that the postcard was sent express, by pneumatic post (Rohrpost). Schenker records in his diary at OJ 2/14, p. 2042, March 17: " Floriz zu Tisch; hofft auf Wiedereintritt in die Akademie …" ("Floriz to lunch; he is hoping for re-entry to the Academy …"). 2 There is no reference to Violin in Schenker's diary for Sunday March 9 (OJ 2/14, p. 2040) or for Sunday March 2 (OJ 2/14, p. 2039). On March 9, the weather was fine, and Heinrich and Jeanette went to the Grubers' house, where they discussed possible investment in a speculative house purchase by Gruber and Wilhelm Schenker. 3 Schenker had recorded the weather as "schön" (beautiful) in his diary for several days prior to the 13th. 4 i.e. they played the lottery without success. |
Digital version created: 2009-05-01 |