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[Absender: ] Dr Heinrich Schenker
III, Reisnerstr. 38

[An: ] H. Prof. M. Violin
III, Sechshauserstr. 126
[postmark:] || 3/3 WI[EN 43] | -3. XI. 19VIII | * R * ||
[written across in pencil:] [?Mollardy] 67

Fl! 1

Das Datum steht noch nicht fest, am Mittwoch wird es erst in Rathaus entschieden. Dagegen steht so viel fest, daß in beide Ringe einzugravieren ist das Datum: 30. September 1910 (Tag der Ankunft Lieliechens) u. selbstverständlich in den Kleineren Ring Liel.'s: „Heinrich“ u. in meinen: „Lie-Lie“ (in eben dieser Original-Marke: Lie-Lie (beide L groß), die ihre Bedeutung hat). - Dienstag Abd. dürften wir in Furtw.'s Konzert - seit vielen Jahren das erste Ereignis dieser Art - gehen. - Vielen dank für deine Bemühung bei Löbl. Nicht vergessen, wir sind nunmehr befristet, wie immer auch das Datum falle. Was geht bei Euch vor?

Viele Grüße 2 : 5
[signed:] dein HS 2. XI./ 1919

© Transcription Ian Bent, 2009

[From: ]Dr. Heinrich Schenker
[Vienna] III, Reisnerstraße 38

[To: ]Prof. M. Violin,
[Vienna] III, Sechshauserstraße 126
[postmark:] || 3/3 VI[ENNA 43] | -3. XI. 19VIII | * R * ||
[written across in pencil:] [?Mollardy] 67

Floriz, 1

The date is still not fixed; it will finally be decided in the Rathaus on Wednesday. By contrast, so much is fixed that the date "September 30, 1910" (the day of Lieliechen's arrival) is to be engraved in both rings, and of course on the smaller ring, Lie-Lie's, "Heinrich" and on mine "Lie-Lie" (in fact, in this original style: Lie-Lie (both "L"s capital), which has its significance). – On Tuesday evening we are due to go to Furtwängler's concert – the first event of its sort for many years. – Many thanks for the trouble you took with Löbl. Don't forget, from now on we are limited in time by whenever the date may fall. How are things with you all?

Cordial greetings 2 : 5
[signed:] Your HS November 2, 1919

© Translation Ian Bent, 2009


1 Writing of this postcard is recorded in Schenker's diary at OJ 3/1, p. 2168: "An Fl. (K.): zu gravieren sei: 30 September 1910, Heinrich-Lie-Lie." ("To Floriz (postcard): "September 30, 1910, Heinrich - Lie-Lie" is to be engraved [on the rings].") "* R *" in the postmark indicates that the card was sent express, by pneumatic post (Rohrpost).


Printed postcard, holograph addresses, with annotation in another(?) hand, recto, holograph message and signature verso
Violin, Moriz (document date-1956)--Heirs of Moriz Violin (1956-197?)--University of California, Riverside (197?--)
Rights Holder
Heirs of Heinrich Schenker, deemed to be in the public domain
All reasonable steps have been taken to locate the heirs of Heinrich Schenker. Any claim to intellectual rights on this document should be addressed to the Schenker Documents Online, at schenkercorrespondence [at] mus (dot) cam (dot) ac (dot) uk

Digital version created: 2009-05-01
Last updated: 2010-06-23