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6. VI. 33.

Hochverehrter Herr Professor. 1

mit der gleichen Post geht der Brief an Huberman ab, 2 der augenblicklich in Montecatini (Italien) ist. – Ich danke Ihnen u. Ihrer verehrten Frau Gemahlin aus ganzem Herzen für die schöne Stunde, die Sie mir schenkten u. für den grossen Eindruck, der mir tröstlich war u. unvergesslich bleiben wird. 3

Am 14ten abends, nach dem Nachtmahl, kommt Weingartner zu mir, sollten Sie noch in Wien sein u. eine Begegnung Ihnen erwünscht, so wissen Sie, dass es mir eine Auszeichnung u. tiefe Freude wäre, Sie beide bei mir begrüssen zu dürfen. 4

{verso} Nehmen Sie meine besten Empfehlungen u. Grüsse freundlich entgegen!

Ihre Sie verehrende
[signed:] Elsa Bienenfeld

IX. Liechtensteinstr. 32
Tel. A 15-2-25.

© Transcription Martin Eybl, 2006

June 6, 1933

Highly revered Professor, 1

In the same post I am sending a letter to Huberman, 2 who is at present at Montecatini in Italy. – Thank you and your revered wife most sincerely for the pleasant time you gave me, and for the deep impression you made on me, which cheered me and will remain an unforgettable memory. 3

Weingartner will be visiting me in the evening of the 14th after dinner. If you are still in Vienna then and would care to meet him, be assured that it would be an honour and a great pleasure to me if both of you could call on me. 4

{verso} Please accept my best wishes and greetings.

Yours in admiration,
[signed:] Elsa Bienenfeld

[Vienna] IX. Liechtensteinstraße 32
Tel. A 15-2-25

© Translation Geoffrey A. Chew, 2006


1 Receipt of this notecard is recorded in Schenker's diary at OJ 4/6, p. 3839, June 8, 1933: "Von Frau Dr. Bienenfeld (Br.): dankt ladet für den 14. ein mit Weingartner zusammen." ("From Dr. Bienenfeld (letter): thanks me, and invites me for the 14th in company with Weingartner.").

2 Huberman performed in May 1933 in Vienna during the Brahms festival. He had evidently been a subject of conversation at the meeting between Schenker and Elsa Bienenfeld on June 2, 1933: cf. OJ 9/15, [1] and [2].

3 Schenker's diary does not record their conversation of June 2.

4 Schenker's reply is recorded in his diary at OJ 4/6, p. 3839, June 8, 1933: "An Frau Dr. Bienenfeld (Visitenk.): Mahne zur Discretion." ("To Dr. Bienenfeld (calling card): I ask for discretion"). [Presumably Schenker was asking Bienenfeld not to let slip to Weingartner that he had declined the invitation.] His diary for June 14 does not record a visit.


notecard, holograph message, signature and address, recto-verso
Schenker, Heinrich (document date-1935)--Schenker, Jeanette (1935-1938)--Oster, Ernst (1938-c.1939)—New York Public Library (c.1939-)
Rights Holder
Heirs of Elsa Bienenfeld, deemed to be in the public domain.
Deemed to be in the public domain. Any claim to intellectual rights on this document should be addressed to the Schenker Correspondence Project, Faculty of Music, University of Cambridge, at schenkercorrespondence [at] mus (dot) cam (dot) ac (dot) uk.

Digital version created: 2014-11-04
Last updated: 2011-03-05