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Ser. A, {7}
27. 8.

Frau Lili Lehmann als Fidelio. 1 Reiner Eindruck einer hohen reproduktiven Leistung. Freilich, welche leidenschaftliche Hingabe schon Beethoven’s selbst an die Wahrheit im Ausdruck, u. nurum wie viel gesteigerter diese, als bei Mozart! [draft in Ser. B, p. 6]


© Transcription Ian Bent, 2017

Ser. A, {7}
August 27

Lilli Lehmann as Fidelio. 1 Pure impression of a mighty interpretive accomplishment. True, how passionately Beethoven has already dedicated himself to achieving truth in the expression, and how greatly intensified this is by comparison with Mozart! [draft in Ser. B, p. 6]


© Translation Ian Bent, 2017


1 Fidelio was performed at the Court Opera in Vienna in August 1898, but with Sophie Sedlmaier as Leonore. It is unclear on what Schenker is basing his reaction here. — This entry has on chronological grounds been moved from its textual placement on Ser. A, p. 7 to p. 5.