Mittw. 21. 11.
Schumann feier: (II) Lieder u. [illeg]Klavier (L. Hess, Kl. Rahn, singen „Vorbei,“ Löwe trägt die Phantasie vor. Auffallend u. charakteristisch die Unartigkeit des Sängers u. der Sängerin während L.’s Production, der aufs artigste sich während der Productionen der anderen Mitwirkenden verhielt. O! die Sänger! 1 © Transcription Ian Bent, 2017 |
Wednesday, November
Schumann festival (II): Songs and piano (Ludwig Hess [and] Klara Rahn sing "Vorbei," Löwe performs the Fantasy . Noticeable and typical is the mischievousness of the male and female singers during Löwe's performance, while the latter conducts himself in the most polite manner during the performances of the other participants. Oh! singers! 1 © Translation Ian Bent, 2017 |
Footnotes1 This, according to the Neue freie Presse, was the second of two evenings of celebration: on November 20 the Philharmonic Orchestra played the Piano Concerto (soloist Raoul Pugno), and the second and fourth symphonies, in the large hall of the Musikverein Building; the Lieder evening on November 21 took place in the small hall, and the singers were Ludwig Hess and Klara Rahn. |