11. Regnerisch.

— Nachmittags zur Kommission wegen Angabe des Kohlenvorrats. — Von Hans Weisse letztes Büchlein von Thoma zum Geschenk. — Von Sophie Paket: Brot, Tee. — {784}

© Transcription Marko Deisinger.

11 Rainy.

— In the afternoon to the Commission about the declaration of the coal supplies. — From Hans Weisse last little book from Thoma as a present. — From Sophie parcel: bread, tea. — {784}

© Translation Stephen Ferguson.

11. Regnerisch.

— Nachmittags zur Kommission wegen Angabe des Kohlenvorrats. — Von Hans Weisse letztes Büchlein von Thoma zum Geschenk. — Von Sophie Paket: Brot, Tee. — {784}

© Transcription Marko Deisinger.

11 Rainy.

— In the afternoon to the Commission about the declaration of the coal supplies. — From Hans Weisse last little book from Thoma as a present. — From Sophie parcel: bread, tea. — {784}

© Translation Stephen Ferguson.