23. Schön, etwas dunstig.
— Von Mozio (K.): 1 wird mich in den nächsten Tagen besuchen. — Aus Steinach, Cammerlander (Br.): Abschnitt des Statthaltereiverbotes u. Absage unter Berufung darauf. — An Wilhelm (Br.): teile Mozios Karte mit u. ersuche um 4 – 6 kg schwarzes Mehl, da wir nach Oetz abzureisen gedenken. — An Sophie (K.): teile ebenfalls M.s Karte mit, bestätige den Eingang des Pakets u. wiederhole die Bitte um Brot u. Maismehl. — Von Sophie Paket: Brot, 1.18 kg Maisgrieß, 60 dkg Kascha.[2] — An Mozio (K.): erbitte zuvor Verständigung über den Besuch. — An das Hotel „Drei Mohren“ in Oetz 5 Fragen genau gestellt, von deren Beantwortung meine Hinreise abhängt. — Frau Dr. Violin am Telephon teilt mit, ihrem Gatten gehe es besser u. bittet mich, ihn zu besuchen. —© Transcription Marko Deisinger. |
23 Fair if somewhat misty.
— From Mozio (postcard): will visit me within the next few days. — From Steinach, Cammerlander (letter): an excerpt from the official travel restrictions and refusal on grounds of that. — To Wilhelm (letter): I tell him about Mozio's postcard und request four to six kilos of rye flour, since we intend to travel to Oetz. — To Sophie (postcard): likewise telling him about Mozio's postcard, confirming receipt of the packet, and repeating my request for bread and maize flour. — From Sophie packet: bread, 1.18 kilos of semolina, 600 grams of Kascha. 1 — To Mozio (postcard): asking him to notify us when he intends to visit before his arrival. — To the Hotel "Drei Mohren" in Oetz asking five precise questions, the answers to which will determine whether I undertake the journey. — Mrs. Violin by telephone tells me that her husband is doing better and asks me to visit him. —© Translation Stephen Ferguson. |
Footnotes1 Kascha: An Eastern European dish, a porridge made of wheat. |