11. Starker Wind.

Weisse zu Tisch; fragt nach der Scherzo-Form in op. 59 No. 1; 1 verspricht zur Morgenmusik Karten zu versorgen. — Nachmittag zu Pechaček: 2 Paar Schuhe reparirt: 380 Kronen. — An Prof. Altmann (Br.): bestelle Bilder zur V. Sinfonie. 2 — Zwei Eingaben an das Wohnungsamt. — Korrekturen fertig bis zum 4. Satz. — Lie-Liechen: Brotteig. {2311}

© Transcription Marko Deisinger.

11 Strong wind.

Weisse for lunch; he asks about the Scherzo form in Op. 59 No. 1 1 ; promises to get us tickets for the matinee concert. — In the afternoon to Pechaček: two pairs of shoes repaired: 380 Kronen. — To Professor Altmann (letter): order photographs of the Fifth Symphony. 2 — Two submissions to the housing office. — Proof correcting finished up to the fourth movement. — Lie-Liechen: bread dough. {2311}

© Translation Stephen Ferguson.

11. Starker Wind.

Weisse zu Tisch; fragt nach der Scherzo-Form in op. 59 No. 1; 1 verspricht zur Morgenmusik Karten zu versorgen. — Nachmittag zu Pechaček: 2 Paar Schuhe reparirt: 380 Kronen. — An Prof. Altmann (Br.): bestelle Bilder zur V. Sinfonie. 2 — Zwei Eingaben an das Wohnungsamt. — Korrekturen fertig bis zum 4. Satz. — Lie-Liechen: Brotteig. {2311}

© Transcription Marko Deisinger.

11 Strong wind.

Weisse for lunch; he asks about the Scherzo form in Op. 59 No. 1 1 ; promises to get us tickets for the matinee concert. — In the afternoon to Pechaček: two pairs of shoes repaired: 380 Kronen. — To Professor Altmann (letter): order photographs of the Fifth Symphony. 2 — Two submissions to the housing office. — Proof correcting finished up to the fourth movement. — Lie-Liechen: bread dough. {2311}

© Translation Stephen Ferguson.


1 Beethoven, String Quartet in F major, Op. 59 ("Razumovsky"), No. 1.

2 Beethoven, Symphony No. 5 in C minor, op. 67.