26. Wunderschön.

— Zu Delka: Umtausch der Schuhe, da sie ungleich sind. — Brotweg. — Mittler von 11–12h: Bemerkungen zu seinen Kompositionen gemacht u. in die Fugen-Technik eingeführt. — Mittags Weisse; fragt um Einiges in Beethovens 1. Klavier-Violin-Sonate, Seiten- u. Schlu ssßsatz, Linie. — An Mozio: kündige die Behebung von Hans Guttmann Geld an. — Gewitter, Abkühlung.

© Transcription Marko Deisinger.

26 Beautiful.

— To Delka: shoes exchanged because they differ. — Out to buy bread. — Mittler from 11:00–12:00: made comments on his compositions and introduced [him] to the fugue technique. — Weisse at midday; asks about a few things in Beethoven's first Sonata for Piano and Violin, second subject group and final movement, [Ur]linie. — To Mozio's: notify [him] about withdrawal of Hans Guttmann money. — Thunderstorm, drop in temperature.

© Translation Scott Witmer.

26. Wunderschön.

— Zu Delka: Umtausch der Schuhe, da sie ungleich sind. — Brotweg. — Mittler von 11–12h: Bemerkungen zu seinen Kompositionen gemacht u. in die Fugen-Technik eingeführt. — Mittags Weisse; fragt um Einiges in Beethovens 1. Klavier-Violin-Sonate, Seiten- u. Schlu ssßsatz, Linie. — An Mozio: kündige die Behebung von Hans Guttmann Geld an. — Gewitter, Abkühlung.

© Transcription Marko Deisinger.

26 Beautiful.

— To Delka: shoes exchanged because they differ. — Out to buy bread. — Mittler from 11:00–12:00: made comments on his compositions and introduced [him] to the fugue technique. — Weisse at midday; asks about a few things in Beethoven's first Sonata for Piano and Violin, second subject group and final movement, [Ur]linie. — To Mozio's: notify [him] about withdrawal of Hans Guttmann money. — Thunderstorm, drop in temperature.

© Translation Scott Witmer.