17. Regen.
— Frage in der Expositur wegen Kündigung: 14 Tage nötig. — An Korrektur des Haydn-Textes. 1 — 4. Gasvorauszahlung 57000 Kronen. — Bis 10¼h nachts Diktat; sofortige Reinschrift. —© Transcription Marko Deisinger. |
17 Rain.
— I ask at the auxiliary agency about giving notice: fourteen days required. — Worked on the proofs of the Haydn text. 1 — Fourth gas pre-payment 57,000 Kronen. — Dictation until 10:15 at night; immediate fair copy. —© Translation Scott Witmer. |
Footnotes1 "Haydn: Sonate C-Dur (U.E. Nr. 1)," in: Der Tonwille Heft 4 (1923), 15–18; Eng. transl., I, pp. 153–55. |