15. Regnerisch, 8°.

— An Rothberger (K.): Dank für seine Karte vom 8., alles sei gut, Näheres mündlich. — Spaziergang von 10–¼11h. — Von Sophie (Br.): allerhand Häusliches; weiß Bescheid über Mozios Vermögensverlust. — Von Weisse (expreß Br.OJ 15/16, [74]): bittet um eine Korrektur: „. . ein bekannter“ statt „berühmter“ 1 . . bleibt bezüglich Furtwänglers optimistisch, 2 widmet mir neue Klavierstücke. — Rf. Wildgans liest zu seinem 50. Geburtstag „Sonette an Ead“ – sehr schön. — An Weisse (expreß Br.): korrigiere nach Wünsch, danke für die Widmung; erinnere wieder an verschiede- {3607} ne Möglichkeiten, Furtwängler u. seinen Freunden beizukommen.

© Transcription Marko Deisinger.

15, rainy, 8°.

— To Rothberger (postcard): thanks for his postcard of the 8th, everything is well, more in person. — A walk from 10 to 10:15. — From Sophie (letter): all sorts of domestic news; she knows all about Mozio’s loss of assets. — From Weisse (express letterOJ 15/16, [74]): requests a correction: "a well-known…" instead of "a famous…"; 1 he remains optimistic with regard to Furtwängler, 2 is dedicating new piano pieces to me. — Radio, Wildgans reads "Sonnet to Ead" on the occasion of his fiftieth birthday – very beautiful. — To Weisse (express letter): I make the correction according to his wishes, thank him for the dedication, remind him again about various {3607} possibilities for winning over Furtwängler and his friends.

© Translation William Drabkin.

15. Regnerisch, 8°.

— An Rothberger (K.): Dank für seine Karte vom 8., alles sei gut, Näheres mündlich. — Spaziergang von 10–¼11h. — Von Sophie (Br.): allerhand Häusliches; weiß Bescheid über Mozios Vermögensverlust. — Von Weisse (expreß Br.OJ 15/16, [74]): bittet um eine Korrektur: „. . ein bekannter“ statt „berühmter“ 1 . . bleibt bezüglich Furtwänglers optimistisch, 2 widmet mir neue Klavierstücke. — Rf. Wildgans liest zu seinem 50. Geburtstag „Sonette an Ead“ – sehr schön. — An Weisse (expreß Br.): korrigiere nach Wünsch, danke für die Widmung; erinnere wieder an verschiede- {3607} ne Möglichkeiten, Furtwängler u. seinen Freunden beizukommen.

© Transcription Marko Deisinger.

15, rainy, 8°.

— To Rothberger (postcard): thanks for his postcard of the 8th, everything is well, more in person. — A walk from 10 to 10:15. — From Sophie (letter): all sorts of domestic news; she knows all about Mozio’s loss of assets. — From Weisse (express letterOJ 15/16, [74]): requests a correction: "a well-known…" instead of "a famous…"; 1 he remains optimistic with regard to Furtwängler, 2 is dedicating new piano pieces to me. — Radio, Wildgans reads "Sonnet to Ead" on the occasion of his fiftieth birthday – very beautiful. — To Weisse (express letter): I make the correction according to his wishes, thank him for the dedication, remind him again about various {3607} possibilities for winning over Furtwängler and his friends.

© Translation William Drabkin.


1 This correction was to a wording of the letter of referenceOJ 5/45, [7] that Schenker wrote in support of Weisse’s appointment at the David Mannes Music School in New York.

2 Furtwängler had expressed his intention to obtain enough money to cover the printing costs of the third Masterwork Yearbook, or to cover these costs himself.