6. Schön.

— An Haydn [Sonata in Eę, Hob. XVI:49]: Durchführung – von 9–11h!! — Nach der Jause bei Dr. Reisner: S. 15. — Zur Post: an Frau Gusti Roth (Uebersetzung) S. 10 per Geldanweisung u. Telegramm an Fränkel, Cernauti (S. 7.59!!). — An Khuner (Br.): Dank u. Zusage (eventuell!). — Diktat: VIII. Abschnitt: Uebergreifen. — Patiencen: zweimal in 2 Legen!! — Rf. 9h: – oh – wie kuckten wir da, als die Kücken 1 ausschlüpften, auch wir piepsten mit 2 – Gute Nacht, mein Lie-Liechen! — {3728}

© Transcription Marko Deisinger.

6, fair weather.

— Work on Haydn [Sonata in Eę, Hob. XVI:49]: development – from 9 to 11 o’clock!! — After teatime, at Dr. Reisner’s: 15 shillings. — To the post office: to Mrs. Gusti Roth (translation), a money order for 10 shillings, and telegram to Fränkel in Cernauti (7.59 shillings!). — To Khuner (letter): thanks, and acceptance (possibly!). — Dictation: section VIII [of Free Composition ]: "Reaching Over." — Games of solitaire: two completed in two rounds!! — Radio, 9 o’clock: – oh – how we watched as the chickens 1 hatched, we also cheeped with them. 2 – Good night, my Lie-Liechen! —{3728}

© Translation William Drabkin.

6. Schön.

— An Haydn [Sonata in Eę, Hob. XVI:49]: Durchführung – von 9–11h!! — Nach der Jause bei Dr. Reisner: S. 15. — Zur Post: an Frau Gusti Roth (Uebersetzung) S. 10 per Geldanweisung u. Telegramm an Fränkel, Cernauti (S. 7.59!!). — An Khuner (Br.): Dank u. Zusage (eventuell!). — Diktat: VIII. Abschnitt: Uebergreifen. — Patiencen: zweimal in 2 Legen!! — Rf. 9h: – oh – wie kuckten wir da, als die Kücken 1 ausschlüpften, auch wir piepsten mit 2 – Gute Nacht, mein Lie-Liechen! — {3728}

© Transcription Marko Deisinger.

6, fair weather.

— Work on Haydn [Sonata in Eę, Hob. XVI:49]: development – from 9 to 11 o’clock!! — After teatime, at Dr. Reisner’s: 15 shillings. — To the post office: to Mrs. Gusti Roth (translation), a money order for 10 shillings, and telegram to Fränkel in Cernauti (7.59 shillings!). — To Khuner (letter): thanks, and acceptance (possibly!). — Dictation: section VIII [of Free Composition ]: "Reaching Over." — Games of solitaire: two completed in two rounds!! — Radio, 9 o’clock: – oh – how we watched as the chickens 1 hatched, we also cheeped with them. 2 – Good night, my Lie-Liechen! —{3728}

© Translation William Drabkin.


1 Kücken: Austrian for Küken ("chicks"). Schenker is playing on the words Kücken/gucken (here spelled “kucken”).

2 "Tausend Hühner schlüpfen aus. Besuch in einer Hühnerfarm" ("A Thousand Chicks Hatch: Visit to a Chicken Farm"), broadcast from 8:40 to 9:10 (Radio-Wien).