3. August 1932 Nebel, Wolken, 14°.
— Mit Lie-Liechen Wege um Obst usw. — Lesen von Dr. Salzers schweren Auto-Unfall, – trifft auch mich sehr schwer! 1 — Um ½3h erreicht uns v. Hoboken s telefonische Mitteilung vom Antritt der Jausenfahrt hierher! Das Paar kommt um ¼6h an. v. H. bringt den 1. Bd. der Chopin-Ausgabe. 2 Er hält an seinem Plan fest (Entgegnung), was auch die Braut bestätigt. Beide sind einander würdig, sture Egoisten. Lie-Liechen zeigt ihnen den Besitz. Abreise 7h. Sie wollen in zwei Wochen wiederkommen. — Von der U.-E. (Br.): haben die 4 Exemplare laut Auftrag abgeschickt. — Von Fanny Violin (K.): die Verhältnisse um Floriz „zu unerfreulich[“]. — Wir sind Beide übermüdet, ich schlafe fast gar nicht! —© Transcription Marko Deisinger. |
August 3, 1932, mist, clouds, 14°.
— With Lie-Liechen, errands for fruit etc. — We read about Dr. Salzer’s serious car accident – it hits me hard, too! 1 — At 2:30, we receive word of Hoboken’s telephone communication of his arrival here for afternoon snack! The pair arrive at 5:15. Hoboken brings the first volume of the Chopin edition. 2 He is sticking with his plan (riposte), something that his bride confirms. The two deserve each other, stubborn egoists. Lie-Liechen shows them our premises. Departure at 7 o’clock. They would like to come again in two weeks. — From UE (letter): they have sent off the four copies , as instructed. — From Fanny Violin (postcard): Floriz’s circumstances, "too depressing." — The two of us are over-tired, I hardly sleep at all! —© Translation William Drabkin. |
3. August 1932 Nebel, Wolken, 14°.
— Mit Lie-Liechen Wege um Obst usw. — Lesen von Dr. Salzers schweren Auto-Unfall, – trifft auch mich sehr schwer! 1 — Um ½3h erreicht uns v. Hoboken s telefonische Mitteilung vom Antritt der Jausenfahrt hierher! Das Paar kommt um ¼6h an. v. H. bringt den 1. Bd. der Chopin-Ausgabe. 2 Er hält an seinem Plan fest (Entgegnung), was auch die Braut bestätigt. Beide sind einander würdig, sture Egoisten. Lie-Liechen zeigt ihnen den Besitz. Abreise 7h. Sie wollen in zwei Wochen wiederkommen. — Von der U.-E. (Br.): haben die 4 Exemplare laut Auftrag abgeschickt. — Von Fanny Violin (K.): die Verhältnisse um Floriz „zu unerfreulich[“]. — Wir sind Beide übermüdet, ich schlafe fast gar nicht! —© Transcription Marko Deisinger. |
August 3, 1932, mist, clouds, 14°.
— With Lie-Liechen, errands for fruit etc. — We read about Dr. Salzer’s serious car accident – it hits me hard, too! 1 — At 2:30, we receive word of Hoboken’s telephone communication of his arrival here for afternoon snack! The pair arrive at 5:15. Hoboken brings the first volume of the Chopin edition. 2 He is sticking with his plan (riposte), something that his bride confirms. The two deserve each other, stubborn egoists. Lie-Liechen shows them our premises. Departure at 7 o’clock. They would like to come again in two weeks. — From UE (letter): they have sent off the four copies , as instructed. — From Fanny Violin (postcard): Floriz’s circumstances, "too depressing." — The two of us are over-tired, I hardly sleep at all! —© Translation William Drabkin. |
Footnotes1 "Autokatastrophe einer Wiener Gesellschaft" ("Party of Viennese in Catastrophic Automobile Accident"), Neue freie Presse, No. 24385, August 2, 1932, morning edition, p. 7. According to the article, the accident had taken place on August 1, near the town of Lambach in Upper Austria; there had been one fatality among the car’s three occupants. Salzer was named as one of the two survivors, who were described as having sustained severe head injuries and concussion as well as numerous fractures. They had been taken to a hospital in Lambach and were then invited by Heinrich Gutmann to recuperate at his home, Würting Castle, in nearby Offenhausen. 2 The Oxford Original Edition of Frédéric Chopin, edited from the original edition and manuscripts by Edouard Ganche, vol. 1–3 (London: Oxford University Press, 1932). From the sentence that follows, it seems likely that Hoboken was planning a counter-edition to this publication; but see the diary entry of August 31, in which Hoboken’s Chopin project is vastly scaled down. |