Vormittag Postweg. — Brünauer macht keine Miene zu zahlen. — Rf.: eine Kalman-Feier in bester Ausführung! 1 — Lie-Liechen schreibt „Gliederung“ [für Der freie Satz]. —© Transcription Marko Deisinger. |
in the morning, trip to the post office. — Brünauer gives no indication that he will pay. — Radio.: a celebration of Kalman, in an excellent realization! 1 — Lie-Liechen writes out "Division" [for Free Composition ]. —© Translation William Drabkin. |
Footnotes1 According to the radio listings in the Neue freie Presse, the program – in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the composer’s birth – was broadcast the previous day, on October 30. |