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23. Schön, frisch!

— Von der Mercurbank (Br.): Fr. 50 = S. 84! 1 — Von Oppel (K.): der Brief zum 19. sei zurückgekommen, bittet um die genaue Adresse. — Von Pirringer, Meinl, Fritz u. Freuberger 2 kommen die Pakete an! — Die Steuerbehörde (Warenumsatz): fordert Belege bis V. 33 ein. — An Oppel (Ansichtsk.): die Adresse; bitte um den Brief. — An die Steuerbehörde (Br.): die Frage habe ich schon mehrmals beantwortet. — An Fanny Violin (Br.): das Schloßbild; Fl.s Adresse erbeten! — Von ½11h–¾12h auf dem von uns gewählten Platz – es ist sehr schön – fern rollt der Donner – das Gewitter kommt u. hält bis 1h an (Hagel!); ein Bote holt unsere Pakete. — Um 2h ist’s wieder blau! — An Vrieslander (Ansichtsk.): Dank für die Gratulation. — Am späten Nachmittag wieder ein Gewitter, wir bleiben daheim. — Rf. 7h: die Philharmoniker spielen unter Heger: Rossini [Barbier von Sevilla], Heger (Variationen)[,] Tschaikowsky VI. — Bruckner u. Joh. Strauß, die {3844} Oesterreicher, sind vor unseren Augen, in vor aller Welt in die Genie-Walhalla 3 berufen worden!!!

© Transcription Marko Deisinger.

23, fair weather, fresh!

— From the Mercurbank (letter): 50 [Swiss] francs = 84 shillings! 1 — From Oppel (postcard): his letter of the 19th was returned, requests the precise address. — The packages arrive from Pirringer, Meinl, Fritz, and Freuberger! 2 — The tax authorities (sales tax): demand invoices up to May 1933. — To Oppel (picture postcard): the address; I request his letter. — To the tax authorities (letter): I have already answered the question many times. — To Fanny Violin (letter): the picture of the castle; Floriz’s address requested! — From 10:30 to 11:45, at the place chosen by us – it is very beautiful – thunder rumbles from afar – the storm comes and stays until 1 o’clock (hail!); a messenger collects our packages. — At 2 o’clock, the sky is again blue! — To Vrieslander (picture postcard): thanks for the congratulations. — In the late afternoon, another storm; we stay home. — Radio, 7 o’clock: the Philharmonic under Heger play Rossini [ The Barber of Seville ], Heger (Variations)[,] Tchaikovsky’s Sixth Symphony. — Bruckner and Johann Strauss, the {3844} Austrians, have – before our very eyes, before the whole world – been summoned to the Valhalla of Genius!!! 3

© Translation William Drabkin.


1 Check received on June 17, 1933 in payment for the publication of Schenker’s article "Was wird aus der Musik?", published in the National-Zeitung, Basel, on May 28.

2 Freuberger: apparently a Viennese tradesman from whom the Schenkers ordered something. The name Freuberger is uncommon and does not appear in the Viennese address book (Lehmanns Wohnungsanzeiger, 1933). It could be a misspelling of Freiberger or Freyberger.

3 A hall of fame, built in 1842 in neo-classical style near Regensburg, which honors important persons from the German-speaking lands with marble statues and commemorative plaques.