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8. Oktober 1934 Bedeckt, 14°.

— Von der Mercurbank (Br.): S. 30 Zinsen. — Von v. Cube (Br.OJ 9/34, [42]): 1 citirt einen Brief von Furtwängler – eigene Betrachtung – contra Violin u. Jonas. — Von der U.-E. (Br.): Lytle will 800 Zeilen abdrucken, ob Honorar zu verlangen sei? — Um 4h ein Herr Tischler; 2 bestelle ihn für morgen um 11h. — Um ¾5h beim Zahnarzt: findet bei Lie-Liechen zwei Zähne kariös, füllt gleich einen. — Bei Fritz, Pirringer, Apotheke usw.

© Transcription Marko Deisinger.

October 8, 1934, cloudy, 14°.

— From the Mercurbank (letter): interest payment of 30 shillings. — From Cube (letterOJ 9/34, [42]): 1 he quotes a letter from Furtwängler – self-contemplation – contra Violin and Jonas. — From UE (letter): Lytle would like to print 800 lines [from my work]; is an honorarium to be requested? — At 4 o’clock, a Mr. Tischler; 1 I ask him to come tomorrow at 11 o’clock. — At 4:45, at the dentist: he finds two cavities in Lie-Liechen’s teeth, fills one of them immediately. — At Fritz’s, Pirringer’s, the pharmacist, etc.

© Translation William Drabkin.


1 OJ 9/34, [42], October 4, 1934, which quotes in full a letter from Furtwängler to Cube commenting (in response to a letter from Cube of May 4) on Cube's dismissal from his Hamburg post and asserting his belief in the major importance of Schenker's theory.

2 Possibly Hans Tischler (1915–2010). A Viennese by birth, he received a Ph.D. from the University of Vienna in 1937 on Mahler, and from Yale University in 1942 on Notre Dame polyphony; in the USA, he had a long and distinguished career as a musicologist, primarily as a medieval music scholar.