19. VII. ⇧ Morgenspaziergang. — Nach Tisch Brief an Sophie geschrieben – Nachmittag will ich ihn aufgeben, kann aber keine Marken kaufen, ganz wie bei uns z’haus! 1 — Uebertragung der Tagebuchnotizen, etwas Schopenhauer. — Aus „Albrecht Dürers schriftlicher Nachlass“ (S. 103): „Ich hab sonst hin und wieder viel Visirung und ander Ding den Leuten zu Dienst gemacht, und für den mehren Theil meiner Arbeit ist mir nichts worden.“ (!!!) Das Nachwort S. 355 leset es! 2 — © Transcription William Drabkin, 2024 |
July 19 ⇧ A morning walk. — After lunch, a letter written to Sophie. – In the afternoon I would like to post it but am unable to buy any stamps, just as it is the case at home! 1 — Transcription of the diary notes, a little Schopenhauer. — From Albrecht Dürer’s Written Nachlass, p. 103: “Elsewhere I placed many visual and other things at the service of the people; and for the greater part of my work, I received nothing.”(!!!) The afterword on p. 355: You should read it! 2 — © Translation William Drabkin, 2024 |
Footnotes1 July 19, 1936, fell on a Sunday, when post offices in Chile (as in Austria) would have been closed. 2 Albrecht Dürers schriftlicher Nachlass, ed. Ernst Heidrich (Berlin: Julius Bard, 1920), pp. 103–04; the book was first published in Nuremberg in 1528. The quotation is taken from near the end of the chapter comprising the diary of Dürer’s trip to the Netherlands. The “afterword” is appended to one of the theoretical writings included in the book and describes how the artist’s death prevented him from publishing the remainder of his writings, although they were clear in his mind. In all this, Jeanette is comparing Dürer’s work to that of her late husband, who similarly received little remuneration for his life’s work and died before he was able to finish proof-reading Der freie Satz and complete other works in preparation. |