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13. II.
Stirling :

Brahms Intermezzo Bm wieder anfgenommen; 1 nochmals Chopin Walzer.

© Transcription Robert Kosovsky, 2007

February 13, [1912]
Stirling :

Brahms Intermezzo in Bę minor taken up again; 1 Chopin waltz once again.

© Translation Ian Bent, 2021


1 No Brahms intermezzo has been mentioned since the beginning of this first lessonbook, thus we might infer that Stirling had been studying it before January 1912. Mrs. Stirling-Wimmer was first recommended to Schenker on November 5, 1906, so this is slight evidence that “Frau Stirling” and “Frau Stirling-Wimmer” were the same person.