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{8}7. X.
Deutsch :

Dvorák; Esd Quartett, Revis. 1. Teil, 1. Satz[.] Cism Polonaise [.] Gesd Etude wesentl. verbessert. Brahms-Händel Thema.

© Transcription Robert Kosovsky, ed. Ian Bent, 2007, 2022-23

{8}October 7, [1912]
Deutsch :

Dvořák Eę major Quartet, revision of the first section of the first movement. Cě minor Polonaise. Gę major Etude essentially improved. Brahms Handel theme.

© Translation Ian Bent, 2022-23

{8}7. X.
Deutsch :

Dvorák; Esd Quartett, Revis. 1. Teil, 1. Satz[.] Cism Polonaise [.] Gesd Etude wesentl. verbessert. Brahms-Händel Thema.

© Transcription Robert Kosovsky, ed. Ian Bent, 2007, 2022-23

{8}October 7, [1912]
Deutsch :

Dvořák Eę major Quartet, revision of the first section of the first movement. Cě minor Polonaise. Gę major Etude essentially improved. Brahms Handel theme.

© Translation Ian Bent, 2022-23