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19. X.
Elias :

5. Var.; Korrektur der Artikulation der Dd Präl.; 1 die eigene Artikulation Chopins als eine Folge {17} der Homophonie. Mangel an Thematik führt zu Indifferentismus 2 der Artikulation. Besonders eigentümlich das Verwischen der Form durch über Halbschlüsse gespannte Bogen entsprechend den schnellerern Rückmodulationen.

© Transcription Robert Kosovsky, ed. Ian Bent, 2007, 2022-23

October 19, [1912]
Elias :

Variation 5; correction of the articulation of the D major Prelude; 1 Chopin’s unique articulation as a consequence {17} of the homophony. The lack of thematic material leads to indifferentism 2 of articulation. Especially idiosyncratic is the blurring of the form by means of long-spanned phrase slurs over imperfect cadences, commensurate with more rapid return modulations.

© Translation Ian Bent, 2022-23

19. X.
Elias :

5. Var.; Korrektur der Artikulation der Dd Präl.; 1 die eigene Artikulation Chopins als eine Folge {17} der Homophonie. Mangel an Thematik führt zu Indifferentismus 2 der Artikulation. Besonders eigentümlich das Verwischen der Form durch über Halbschlüsse gespannte Bogen entsprechend den schnellerern Rückmodulationen.

© Transcription Robert Kosovsky, ed. Ian Bent, 2007, 2022-23

October 19, [1912]
Elias :

Variation 5; correction of the articulation of the D major Prelude; 1 Chopin’s unique articulation as a consequence {17} of the homophony. The lack of thematic material leads to indifferentism 2 of articulation. Especially idiosyncratic is the blurring of the form by means of long-spanned phrase slurs over imperfect cadences, commensurate with more rapid return modulations.

© Translation Ian Bent, 2022-23


1 Cf. Elias’s lesson notes for October 2, 5, 7, and 9. The identity of the work or works that Elias had to write out from memory is, however, uncertain: Oct 2 “Präl. von Chopin”; Oct 5 “Desdur Präl.”; Oct 7 “Hm Präl.”; Oct 9 “Dd Präl. v. Chopin.” — The last of these has been editorially corrected to Dę, on the supposition that Jeanette may not always accurately interpret her shorthand. This calls in question the identity of the work named here.

2 Indifferentismus: term coined in 1827: the belief that all religions, or all philosophies, are equally valid, thus the differences between them are meaningless. Schenker presumably intends to convey a lack of differentiation in form and phrasing.