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5. XI.
Weisse :

Erklärung meiner Korrekturen des Quintetts. 1 Ueber Mittel organischer Herstellung; aus dem Asd Walzer Beispiele.

© Transcription Robert Kosovsky, ed. Ian Bent, 2007, 2022-23

November 5, [1912]
Weisse :

Explanation of my corrections to his Quintet. 1 On means of organic generation; examples from the Aę major Waltz.

© Translation Ian Bent, 2022-23


1 Weisse’s String(?) Quintet was composed in 1912, and the first movement revised in 1913. It bears no opus number, and is now lost. See Timothy L Jackson, "Punctus contra punctus …," Journal of Schenkerian Studies iv (2010), 87–186, esp. 184.