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OJ 13/37, 5 Handwritten letter from Ernst Rudorff to Schenker, dated November 21, 1908
Rudorff's poor health is restricting his activities. — He praises Schenker's Harmonielehre, especially its views on the church modes. — He also endorses Schenker's condemnation of Wagner's musical influence.
OJ 12/6, [35] Handwritten letter from Jonas to Schenker, dated July 25, 1934
Jonas has changed his travel plans; describes Bayreuth; sends corrigenda list for his Das Wesen; Roth is working on continuo realizations of Handel.
Diary entry by Schenker for 27 August 1912
Diary entry by Schenker for 5 December 1913
Diary entry by Schenker for 3 April 1926
Diary entry by Schenker for 28 March 1929
OC 3/2-3: Oct 1913-Jun 1914 Sofie Deutsch: lesson: Thursday, January 15, 1914
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