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  • Six Bagatelles for Piano (1929)


  • Six Bagatelles for Piano (1929) is composed by Hans Weisse

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  • OJ 15/16, [62] Handwritten letter from Weisse to Schenker, dated August 5, 1929

    Weisse, absorbed by Schenker's ideas (especially the concept of "tonal space") tells of his plans to write about his teacher's significance as a contemporary theorist. He describes his progress in composition, which includes the completion of a set of six bagatelles for piano and a Clarinet Quintet, and much work on an Octet. He asks about progress on Der freie Satz and about the publication of Schenker's analysis of the "Eroica" Symphony, and reports his and Hertha's joy in parenthood.

  • OJ 6/7, [47] Handwritten letter from Schenker to Violin, dated March 2, 1930

    Schenker reports on two concerts at which Hans Weisse's Octet was performed for the first time. Furtwängler was enchanted by it, Schenker was impressed by the quality of the voice-leading in general, the construction of the finale movement (a passacaglia) in particular. He was touched to see that a pupil of Weisse's, Dr. Felix Salzer, had subvented the cost of the rehearsals and concerts, and the provision of food and drink for the audience; this he compared with Antony van Hoboken's reluctance to help him with the publication costs of his recent work.