OJ 10/18, [10] Handwritten notecard from Elias to Jeanette Schenker, dated February 17,
Miss Elias sends Jeanette Schenker a clipping of Moriz Violin's obituary for
Heinrich, together with publication details of Otto Vrieslander's edition of C. P. E. Bach's
Kurze und Leichte Klavierstücke.
OJ 10/18, [11] Handwritten notecard from Elias to Jeanette Schenker, dated June 19, 1935
Miss Elias sends Jeanette Schenker a photograph of Heinrich and will visit his
grave with Marianne Kahn.
OJ 10/18, [12] Handwritten letter from Elias to Jeanette Schenker dated June 28, 1935
Miss Elias thanks Mrs. Schenker for photographs, and regrets having missed her
phone calls. — She hopes Mrs. Schenker will recuperate in the spa house. — She reports that
Mrs. Schenker's wishes have been carried out with regard to Heinrich's gravestone and
remarks on the beauty of the inscription. — She comments on an article by Victor
Zuckerkandl, and reports her own activity in graphing a piano piece by Schenker and
re-graphing Beethoven's "Appassionata" Sonata.
OJ 10/18, [13] Handwritten letter from Elias to Jeanette Schenker dated August 1, 1935
Jeanette Schenker, currently in Hofgastein, has decided where to live in the
future; that involves leaving Keilgasse. — Elias supports Jeanette in her view of a new
edition of Harmonielehre. — Elias is surprised to hear the plan for a Schenker Institute in
Vienna. — She regrets that Schenker's aphorisms will not be published by Ungar. — She has
been unable to meet with Moriz Violin regarding the "Appassionata" Sonata. — She is reading
Der freie Satz.
OJ 10/3, [219] Typewritten letter from Deutsch to Jeanette Schenker, dated July 7, 1935
In this first of two surviving letters written after Schenker’s death in
January 1935, Deutsch thanks Jeanette Schenker for the portrait – presumably Viktor Hammer’s
1925 mezzotint – of her husband, and for an inscribed copy of Free
OJ 11/32, [18] Handwritten letter from Robert Haas to Jeanette Schenker, dated January 14,
Haas sends commiserations to Jeanette on the death of
OJ 11/54, [41]-[42] Handwritten letter, with envelope, from Hoboken to Schenker, dated January 1,
Hoboken wishes Schenker good health, and strength to complete Der freie Satz.
— He discusses the furniture in the new premises of the Photogram Archive, and gives his
travel plans for January.
OJ 11/54, [43] Typewritten letter from Hoboken to Jeanette Schenker, dated July 12, 1935
Hoboken regrets the printing errors in Der freie Satz and suggests that Ernst
Oster prepare a list.
OJ 11/54, [44] Typewritten envelope from Hoboken to Jeanette Schenker, postmarked July 1,
Envelope from Hoboken to Jeanette Schenker, and her reply
OJ 11/54, [45]-[46] Handwritten letter, with envelope, from Eva van Hoboken to Jeanette Schenker, dated
December 15, 1935
Eva van Hoboken sends 200 shillings for a copy of "Brahms
OJ 12/17, [10] Handwritten note from Komorn to Jeanette Schenker, dated January 18, 1935
Mrs. Komorn sends condolences to Jeanette, and pays tribute to
OJ 12/20, [2] Typewritten letter from the Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde (Dlabač, Kraus) to Jeanette
Schenker, dated January 15, 1935
The Society send commiserations to Jeanette on the death of her
OJ 12/24, [9] Handwritten letter, with envelope, from Kromer to Jeanette Schenker, dated January
14, 1935
Kromer sends condolences to Jeanette at Heinrich's death.
OJ 12/6, [41] Handwritten letter from Jonas to Schenker, dated January 13, 1935
Jonas hopes Schenker is well; ‒ he plans to be in Vienna from 22 to about 28
January; — he is reading the Hildebrand-Fiedler correspondence.
OJ 12/6, [43] Handwritten letter from Jonas to Jeanette Schenker, dated March 9, 1935
Jonas thanks Jeanette for the opportunity to look at work of Schenker's
[unspecified]; Jonas, Salzer, and Saturn Verlag wish to bring out a music journal in
Schenker's memory: Jonas requests access to unpublished materials; he inquires whether
Jeanette has reached an understanding with Saturn Verlag over aphorisms.
OJ 12/6, [45] Handwritten letter from Jonas and Salzer to Jeanette Schenker, dated June 27,
Jonas and Salzer raise the founding of a new journal dedicated to Schenker's
teaching and ideas, and also the possible publication of Schenker's Nachlass.
OJ 14/10, [16] Handwritten letter with envelope from Rosa Weil to Jeanette Schenker, dated January
23, 1935
[Rosa Weill has travelled back from Vienna after Heinrich's funeral.] Rosa
thanks Jeanette for having taken such good care of her while in Vienna. She regrets that she
arrived too late [for the funeral?]. She expresses admiration at the cultivated atmosphere
of Jeanette's world, and offers her condolences on the loss of a "great human being," and
invites Jeanette to come and stay with them in Aussig.
OJ 14/10, [17] Handwritten letter from Rosa Weil to Jeanette Schenker, dated March 4–5,
Rosa Weill thanks Jeanette for the gift of the Rothberger medallion of
Heinrich Schenker. -- Has Jeanette yet reached any major decisions [as to her future]? --
There now seems no hope for Klara Schiff.
OJ 14/10, [18] Handwritten letter with envelope from Rosa Weil to Jeanette Schenker, dated March
25–31, 1935
Rosa Weil listened to the radio lecture [by Otto Eric Deutsch on Schenker's
work] that Jeanette had recommended and comments on it. Influenza is going through the
household at the moment.
OJ 14/10, [19] Handwritten envelope from Rosa Weil to Jeanette Schenker, dated April 2,
OJ 14/10, [20] Handwritten picture postcard from Rosa Weil to Jeanette Schenker, dated April 19,
Rosa Weil sends Easter greetings.
OJ 14/10, [21] Handwritten letter with envelope from Rosa Weil to Jeanette Schenker, dated May 27,
Rosa Weill admits to suffering bouts of mild depression. She regrets being
unable to visit Jeanette because committed to taking Arnold away for health reasons. — She
asks whether Jeanette had yet made any decisions [on her own future]. Jeanette has evidently
told her of the mass of Heinrich’s papers that she will dedicate herself to [organizing and
preserving]. — Hedda and Hans [Delmonte] have been staying; he is building a fish canning
factory there. — Hella has forwarded a letter from Victor with photographs: he “shuts us
out” more and more.
OJ 14/10, [22] Handwritten envelope from Rosa Weil to Jeanette Schenker, undated [June
OJ 14/10, [23] Handwritten letter from Rosa Weil to Jeanette Schenker, dated June 15,
Rosa Weil sends roses for Heinrich’s birthday, wishes Jeanette well for her
forthcoming stay in Hofgastein, and gives brief news of herself and Arnold.
OJ 14/10, [24] Handwritten picture postcard from Arnold & Rosa Weil to Jeanette Schenker, dated
July 28, 1935
Arnold and Rosa are coming to Jeanette in Hofgastein on July 31 and staying
over to the next day.
OJ 14/10, [25] Handwritten envelope from Rosa Weil to Jeanette Schenker, undated [August 1935]
OJ 14/10, [26] Handwritten letter with envelope from Rosa Weil to Jeanette Schenker, dated August
11, 1935
Acknowledging Jeanette’s letter, Rosa describes the travel that she and Arnold
have done (reminiscing on their time in Hofgastein with Jeanette), and their short stay in
Vienna, where they met daughter Lene and packed her off for leave from her [clinical] work.
Lene is now more responsible and mature. — Sister Hella is separated from husband Emil.
OJ 14/10, [27] Handwritten letter from Rosa Weil to Jeanette Schenker, dated August 28,
Rosa Weil's letter accompanies roses, and expresses hope that Jeanette will
feel refreshed on her return to Vienna.
OJ 14/10, [28] Handwritten picture postcard from Arnold Weil to Jeanette Schenker, dated October 6,
Arnold Weil thanks Jeanette on Lene's behalf for the gift of theVictor Hammer
mezzotint of Heinrich Schenker. -- Jeanette is moving to a new apartment in
OJ 14/10, [29] Handwritten letter with envelope from Rosa Weil to Jeanette Schenker, dated November
27, 1935
Rosa Weil thanks Jeanette for receiving Lene for an afternoon, and speaks of
the great impression the intellectual atmosphere of Jeanette's home made on her, and also
for the gift of the [mezzotint of Heinrich]. — She reports the unexpected death of Arnold’s
OJ 14/10, [30] Handwritten letter with envelope from Rosa Weil to Jeanette Schenker, dated December
23, 1935
Rosa Weil thanks Jeanette for her letter of sympathy [30.xi.35]; she is
pleased that her new accommodation [Cottagegasse 21] suits her; she wishes her well for
1936, expressing admiration for her plan to travel to Chile, and wonders how well she and
her brother Victor will get on in so greatly changed a world.
OJ 14/23, [28] Handwritten postcard from Seligmann to Jeanette Schenker, postmarked February ?3,
Seligmann agrees to pay a visit to the Schenkers the following
OJ 15/16, [100] Handwritten letter from Hans Weisse to Jeanette Schenker, dated September 18,
Weisse thanks Jeanette for sending a photograph of her late husband’s
death-mask, and other photographs. — He offers her advice about what to do with Heinrich's
library of books, and with his sketches and other unpublished analyses. The bulk of the
letter is a critique of Der freie Satz, about which he has serious misgivings, partly
concerning the title and subtitle, partly concerning its status as a textbook
OJ 15/16, [101] Handwritten letter from Hans Weisse to Jeanette Schenker, dated October 22,
Weisse thanks Jeanette for the photographs of her husband, and will distribute
them to his pupils soon, when he sends the next payment of financial support that he has
collected from them on her behalf. — He is actively engaged in bringing Schenker's ideas to
an English-speaking audience, and urges her to consider agreeing to a suitably shortened
version of Harmonielehre, rather than a word-for-word translation. — For Der freie Satz, an
English translation would do more harm to Schenker's cause than not to have it translated at
all, and it would be necessary to reconceive the presentation of the theory entirely,
especially with respect to terminology. — He suggests that there may be a market for
Schenker's library in American universities and libraries.
OJ 15/16, [96] Handwritten letter from Hertha Weisse to Jeanette Schenker, dated February 21,
In this letter of condolence, sent together with one by Hans, Hertha Weisse
explains that the obituary of Schenker in the New York Times by Olin Downes, though based
partly on information supplied by Hans, was hastily written and contains many errors. A
pupil of Hans [Adele Katz] has prepared an article on Schenker's theory, which will soon be
published in an American music journal.
OJ 15/16, [97] Handwritten letter from Hans Weisse to Jeanette Schenker, dated February 21,
In a letter of condolence to Schenker's widow, Weisse expresses his distress
at having, within the space of two years, lost his parents and now his spiritual father. He
offers to help Jeanette and Oswald Jonas read the proofs for Der freie Satz; but he cannot
afford to come to Europe in the summer, as the Mannes College can guarantee only half his
salary for next year. He asks her to send him a memento of her husband, and to consider
entrusting to him the care of some of Schenker's unpublished work.
OJ 15/16, [98] Handwritten letter from Hans Weisse to Jeanette Schenker, dated May 26,
Weisse outlines a plan to give Jeanette financial support in the form of a
collection from his most dedicated pupils, equivalent to 200 Austrian shillings per month,
for a year, and encloses the first of three planned annual payments. — He inquires whether
Schenker's notes on C. P. E. Bach’s Essay on the True Art of Playing Keyboard Instruments
might be included in an Afterword to a projected English translation. — He plans an
exposition of Schenkerian theory for use in schools, for which he needs to receive a copy of
Der freie Satz. — He thanks Jeanette for mementos of her husband, and says a few words about
his family and their summer plans.
OJ 15/16, [99] Handwritten letter from Hans Weisse to Jeanette Schenker, dated July 14,
Weisse thanks Jeanette Schenker for her letter and copy of Der freie Satz
which he has read through and is about to study carefully. His initial impressions are that
its conception and content are impressive, but that there are a lot of misprints; and he
regrets that the foreword does not mention the financial help Schenker received from [Paul]
Khuner. He approves Jeanette's idea of depositing Schenker's Nachlass in the
Photogramm-Archiv in the Austrian National Library.
OJ 15/22, [10] Handwritten letter and envelope from Willfort to Jeanette Schenker, dated July 5,
Willfort lays out his plans for an abbreviated edition of Schenker's
Harmonielehre, and explains his negotiations with Alfred Kalmus of UE.
OJ 15/22, [11] Handwritten letter and envelope from Willfort to Jeanette Schenker, dated July 18,
Willfort explains his involvement in plans for a re-edition of the Harmonielehre,
and thanks Jeanette for two photographs.
OJ 15/22, [9] Handwritten note from Willfort to Schenker, dated January 1, 1935
New Year greetings and thanks.
OJ 15/26, [3] Handwritten picture postcard from Hans Wolf to Jeanette Schenker, postmarked May 18,
Wolf sends greetings to Jeanette Schenker.
OJ 15/26, [4] Handwritten letter from Hans Wolf to Jeanette Schenker, dated November 16,
Wolf thanks Jeanette Schenker for sending him a portrait of Brahms. He has
been busy with doctorate work and private teaching.
OJ 5/36, [1] Handwritten draft of letter from Jeanette Schenker to Salzer and Jonas, dated July 2,
Jeanette Schenker acknowledges a letter stipulating that no part of the Schenker
Nachlass should be published or performed before the statement of rights and responsibility has
been completed..
OJ 70/3, [1] Handwritten draft of a letter from Moriz Violin to Moriz Rosenthal, undated,
probably dating from c. January 20, 1935]
Violin regrets having failed to honor an agreement with Rosenthal to write an
"outpouring from the heart" regarding Schenker's theory, and proceeds to draft a statement
on the "presuppositions of the Urlinie," which he will re-draft in light of Rosenthal's
OJ 89/8, [1] Handwritten picture postcard from Jeanette Schenker to Anthony and Eva van Hoboken,
dated June 26, 1935
Jeanette reports on the setting of the slab for Heinrich's
OJ 89/8, [2] Handwritten letter from Jeanette Schenker to Anthony van Hoboken, dated June 29,
Jeanette informs Hoboken that she has received from Ernst Oster an errata list
for Der freie Satz, and asks Hoboken whom he thinks would be a qualified person to check