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OJ 10/18, [13] Handwritten letter from Elias to Jeanette Schenker dated August 1, 1935
Jeanette Schenker, currently in Hofgastein, has decided where to live in the future; that involves leaving Keilgasse. — Elias supports Jeanette in her view of a new edition of Harmonielehre. — Elias is surprised to hear the plan for a Schenker Institute in Vienna. — She regrets that Schenker's aphorisms will not be published by Ungar. — She has been unable to meet with Moriz Violin regarding the "Appassionata" Sonata. — She is reading Der freie Satz.
OJ 14/10, [25] Handwritten envelope from Rosa Weil to Jeanette Schenker, undated [August 1935]
OJ 14/10, [26] Handwritten letter with envelope from Rosa Weil to Jeanette Schenker, dated August 11, 1935
Acknowledging Jeanette’s letter, Rosa describes the travel that she and Arnold have done (reminiscing on their time in Hofgastein with Jeanette), and their short stay in Vienna, where they met daughter Lene and packed her off for leave from her [clinical] work. Lene is now more responsible and mature. — Sister Hella is separated from husband Emil.
OJ 14/10, [27] Handwritten letter from Rosa Weil to Jeanette Schenker, dated August 28, 1935
Rosa Weil's letter accompanies roses, and expresses hope that Jeanette will feel refreshed on her return to Vienna.