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Austrian music journal, founded in 1909 by L. Havesi , edited by Richard Specht and Richard Batka, the full title of which was: Der Merker: Österreichische Zeitschrift für Musik und Theater (The Informer [or Critic]: Austrian Newspaper for Music and Theater). It continued publication to 1922, thirteen volumes in all, and contained articles by many critics and writers of the day.

Der Merker and Schenker

Correspondence from Ludwig Karpath under the Der Merker letterhead survives as part of OJ 12/9 (1914). Schenker contributed one article to the journal: "Heinrich Schenkers Beethoven Ausgabe," Der Merker 7/3 (February 1, 1916), 81–89 (photocopy as OJ 20/6).

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