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Austrian monthly periodical devoted to issues in Schenkerian theory, edited by Oswald Jonas and Felix Salzer, consisting of nine issues, four of them bound as two double issues, thus seven publications in all, spanning April 1937 to February 1938. Those are significant dates. The first volume appeared two years and three months after Schenker's death:
The periodical will ... pay a debt of gratitude to Heinrich Schenker, who died two years ago. Through his theory of organic relations he laid the music-spiritual foundations upon which the editors aim to amass the contents of these volumes. (Heft 1, p. 1) It ended as Hitler's troops marched through the streets of Vienna: We inform our subscribers and readers that this periodical will cease publication with the current volume. — The editorial staff, Vienna, March 1938! (Heft 8/9, p. 189)


Rather than by Saturn Verlag, as originally planned, the periodical was published by the recently founded Krystall Verlag. It was reprinted in a single volume by Georg Olms Verlag of Hildesheim in 1989.


This was not the first attempt to launch a Schenkerian periodical. In September 1926 Otto Vrieslander and Anthony van Hoboken mooted the idea of a periodical to be edited by Otto Erich Deutsch (diary OJ 3/9, pp. 2988‒2989); and in fall 1927 Hans Weisse proposed a periodical entitled Die Tonkunst , to be edited by Jonas and Salzer and published by Saturn Verlag with support from Hoboken. Neither venture got off the ground.

First mention of the plan for Der Dreiklang comes in a letter from Oswald Jonas to Jeanette Schenker dated March 9, 1935 (OJ 12/6, [43]), in which is stated that the plan is a joint venture between the Saturn Verlag, Jonas, and Salzer. The "loftiest and most important task" of the journal was "to venerate Schenker's memory and interpret his work, also to make it accessible to those who need guidance in approaching it." Mention of the plan is made also in a joint letter of Jonas and Salzer to Jeanette Schenker dated June 27, 1935 (OJ 12/6, [45]), and by Jeanette Schenker herself in reply to this on July 2, 1935 (OJ 5/36, [1]), requesting a prospectus of the periodical.

Contents: General

The periodical includes six items under Schenker's own name, these drawn in part from his early published critical work, in part from more recently published works, and in part from his unpublished papers, to which Jeanette gave Jonas privileged access. The most frequent contributor was Oswald Jonas. Others were pupils of Schenker: Carl Bamberger, Angi Elias, Felix Salzer, Otto Vrieslander, Hans Wolf, Viktor Zuckerkandl, writing as Victor Zauner); others were pupils of Schenker's pupils (Paul Berl, Hans Heimler, Ernst Oster).

The structure of the periodical bears more than a passing resemblance to that of Der Tonwille and Das Meisterwerk in der Musik . Like them, it contains a mixture of analytical, theoretical, source-study and bibliographical articles. Several volumes conclude with aphorisms and miscellaneous materials directly comparable to Schenker's "Miscellanea" (Vermischtes). Most specifically, Salzer's lead article in volume 1, "Schenker's Historic Mission," acts as a strategic counterpart to Schenker's in issue 1 of Tonwille, "The Mission of German Genius"; and in the same volume Jonas extends Schenker's series of analyses of J. S. Bach Short Preludes by examining the F major Short Prelude, its title, "A Bach Prelude," mirroring that of a section in the "Miscellanea" of Tonwille 5, "A J. S. Bach Prelude."

Notable departures from the Tonwille/Meisterwerk model are the inclusion of book reviews, Jonas's attempt to relate Schenkerian theory to "new music," and Zuckerkandl's applications to opera ‒ bolstered by inclusion of extracts from Schenker's own critical observations about operas by Mozart, Verdi and Smetana from 1893‒96.

List of Contents

  • Heft 1 (April 1937)
  • Oswald Jonas and Felix Salzer: "Geleitwort"
  • Felix Salzer: "Die historische Sendung Heinrich Schenkers"
  • Heinrich Schenker: "Vom Hintergrund in der Musik"
  • Oswald Jonas: "Ein Bach-Präludium. Ein Weg zum organischen Hören"
  • Der Nachlaß Heinrich Schenkers
  • Oswald Jonas: "Musikalische Meisterhandschriften"
  • Aphoristisches
  • Oswald Jonas: Buchbesprechung: Riezler, „Beethoven“
  • Eine Stimme über Schenker [Hans Jenkner]
  • Heft 2 (May 1937)
  • Paul Berl: "Das „Freudenthema“ aus Beethovens IX. Sinfonie"
  • Victor Zauner: "Wort und Ton bei Mozart: Bemerkungen anläßlich der neuen „Don Giovanni“-Übertragungen"
  • Oswald Jonas: "Bewusstes oder unbewusstes Schaffen?"
  • Aphoristisches
  • Oswald Jonas: "Musikalische Meisterhandschriften (Schluß)"
  • [Heinrich Schenker:] "Der junge Schenker über Brahms"
  • Ernst Oster: "Neue Urtextausgaben von Mozart"
  • Heft 3 (June 1937)
  • Aurelius Augustinus: "Musik"
  • Oswald Jonas: "Die Krise der Musiktheorie"
  • Heinrich Schenker: "Von der Stimmführung im Generalbass"
  • Hans Heimler: "Ein Vorkämpfer für die Erhaltung der Handschriften Mozarts"
  • Oswald Jonas: "Mozarts ewige Melodie"
  • Heft 4/5 (July/August [1937]
  • Heinrich Schenker: "Von der Diminution"
  • Oswald Jonas: "Die Analyse im praktischen Unterricht"
  • Carl Bamberger: "Zur Frage der Dirigentenerziehung"
  • Erich Simon: "Der Wert des Photogramm-Archivs für den ausübenden Musiker"
  • Oswald Jonas: "Miscellen"
  • Schenker als Opernkritiker
  • Viktor Zauner: "Zur jüngsten Aufführung des „Don Carlos“"
  • Aphoristisches
  • Ernst Oster: Buchbesprechungen: Das Neue Koechel-Verzeichnis [—] Die Originalausgaben J. S. Bachs
  • Heft 6 September 1937
  • Oswald Jonas: "Über neue Musik"
  • Heinrich Schenker: "Urlinientafel zu Haydns „Choral St. Antoni“"
  • Ernst Oster: "Vom Sinn des langen Vorschlags"
  • Oswald Jonas: "Beethoveniana"
  • Oswald Jonas: Buchbesprechung: Karl Geiringer, „Johannes Brahms“
  • Heft 7 (October 1937)
  • Angi Elias: "Zwei Klavierstücke aus Schumanns „Album für die Jugend“"
  • Goethe: "Die Metamorphose des Pflanzen"
  • Heinrich Schenker: "Über Anton Bruckner"
  • Hans Wolf: "Schenkers Persönlichkeit im Unterricht"
  • Oswald Jonas: Zeitschriften und Bücher
  • Heft 8/9 (November 1937/February 1938)
  • Heinrich Schenker: "Ein Kommentar zu Schindler, Beethovens Spiel betreffend"
  • Oswald Jonas: "Nachtrag zu Schenkers Aufsatz über Schindler"
  • Otto Vrieslander: "Eine Stelle aus Chopins Scherzo op. 54"
  • Anzeige
  • Aphoristisches


  • Ian Bent, William Drabkin, and Hedi Siegel

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