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Czech, later Viennese, clarinettist.

Franz Bartolomey was the first clarinettist in the Vienna Court Opera and Philharmonic Orchestra 1892‒1914, and member of the Court Music Kapelle 1896‒; professor of clarinet at the Vienna Conservatory (Music Academy) 1885‒1920, teacher of Gustav Mahler; founder of the Vienna Clarinet School; residence Vienna XVIII, Edlhofgasse 1. He published an edition of Richard Strauss, Orchesterstudien der symphonischen Werke (1910).

Bartolomey and Schenker

On December 16, 1906, Schenker played piano in the Mozart and Brahms clarinet quintets with Bartolomey at the house of Mrs. Eissler ‒ Schenker described it as a "jolly evening."


  • Oesterreichisches Musiklexikon online ("Bartolomey, Familie")
  • Tittel, Ernst, Die Wiener Musik Hochschule (Vienna: Elizabeth Lafite, 1967), p. 85
  • Musikbuch aus Oesterreich (1906), ed. Richard Heuberger, p. 108


  • Ian Bent

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