OJ 14/5, [1] Handwritten letter from Moriz Schenker to Julia Schenker, dated February 29,
Moriz Schenker reports that he has established a monthly payment of 50 Kronen to
his mother Julia Schenker via Franz Einschenk; he is unable to visit her before summer, and
discusses family arrangements for the summer vacation.
OJ 11/26, [5] Typewritten letter from Max Gross to Moriz Schenker, dated January 9,
Max Gross rehearses the age and situation of Wilhelm's, Heinrich's, and
Moriz's mother Julia Schenker, and the existing contributions to her upkeep and rent and
sacrifices made by Heinrich and Wilhelm in this regard, and demands that Moriz henceforth
pay his share of the upkeep and contribution to the rent, and also write regularly to, and
to visit, his mother, and warns of the legal consequences if these demands are not
OJ 14/5, [2] Handwritten letter from Moriz Schenker to Julia Schenker, dated January 10,
Moriz Schenker apologizes for not visiting her while in Vienna, and hopes to do
so in March; he has arranged for 200 Kronen per month to come to her through Franz Einschek for
her upkeep; he reports how his family are; he has heard from Sophie.