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  • Alexandere Wheelock Thayer


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  • OJ 10/3, [20] Typewritten letter from Otto Erich Deutsch to Schenker, dated November 26, 1920

    Replying to Schenker's postcard of November 20th, Deutsch writes that the connoisseur edition is to be reproduced using photolithography, and repeats the particulars of the Fitzwilliam Museum's "Moonlight" Sonata sketchleaves. Speyer has allowed his sketchleaf of the Sonata to be photographed, and reports that he also owns a letter from Beethoven to Schlesinger (Paris) about corrections to the C minor Sonata (Op. 111). Universal Edition urgently requires a prospectus for the Beethoven day, and so Deutsch asks for sight of the draft of Schenker's Preface.

  • OC 54/315 Typewritten letter from Deutsch to Schenker, dated July 30, 1930

    Deutsch makes further reports on the anticipated costs of the third Meisterwerk yearbook. -- He has come across an arrangement of Beethoven’s Op. 74 Quartet as a symphony and found some important early editions of the Op. 22 Sonata. -- He would like Schenker to meet his friend [Leopold] Liegler, whose theories about literature resonate with the concept of Urlinie.
