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WSLB 98 - Handwritten letter from Schenker to Hertzka (UE), dated March 4, 1912
Anbei Bg. 10 u. 11 nebst Plan des 3. Satzes, der mit Bog. 12 beginnt. 1 Auch sind schon Bog. 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 u. 17 von mir durchcorrigiert – wie ich sagte, bedürften sie nur sehr wenig Korrekturen –, so daß ich Ende dieser Woche alle † Bogen, die ich zu Hause habe, zur Erledigung gebracht haben werde. Wollen Sie frdl. die Druckerei ein wenig antreiben, den Rest einzusenden. Jetzt geht es ja sehr schnell, u. vielleicht kann das Werk bereits zur „1. Wiener Musikfestwoche” 2 – Gott sei Wien gnädig ! – vorgelegt werden. [overwritten across the para. in crayon:] ⇧ Erl 5/III 1912 © Transcription Ian Bent, 2006, 2023 |
Enclosed are gatherings 10 and 11, together with the formal diagram of the third movement, which begins with gathering 12. 1 In addition, I have already finished correcting gatherings 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17 ‒ as I said, they required only very few corrections ‒ so that by the end of this week I shall have dealt with all † the gatherings that I have at home. Please would you give the printers a gentle push to send over the remainder? Things will definitely go very fast now, [so] perhaps the work can be released in time for the First Viennese Week of Music 2 ‒ God have mercy on Vienna! [overwritten across the para. in crayon:] ⇧ Dealt with March 5, 1912 © Translation Ian Bent, 2006, 2023 |
Anbei Bg. 10 u. 11 nebst Plan des 3. Satzes, der mit Bog. 12 beginnt. 1 Auch sind schon Bog. 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 u. 17 von mir durchcorrigiert – wie ich sagte, bedürften sie nur sehr wenig Korrekturen –, so daß ich Ende dieser Woche alle † Bogen, die ich zu Hause habe, zur Erledigung gebracht haben werde. Wollen Sie frdl. die Druckerei ein wenig antreiben, den Rest einzusenden. Jetzt geht es ja sehr schnell, u. vielleicht kann das Werk bereits zur „1. Wiener Musikfestwoche” 2 – Gott sei Wien gnädig ! – vorgelegt werden. [overwritten across the para. in crayon:] ⇧ Erl 5/III 1912 © Transcription Ian Bent, 2006, 2023 |
Enclosed are gatherings 10 and 11, together with the formal diagram of the third movement, which begins with gathering 12. 1 In addition, I have already finished correcting gatherings 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17 ‒ as I said, they required only very few corrections ‒ so that by the end of this week I shall have dealt with all † the gatherings that I have at home. Please would you give the printers a gentle push to send over the remainder? Things will definitely go very fast now, [so] perhaps the work can be released in time for the First Viennese Week of Music 2 ‒ God have mercy on Vienna! [overwritten across the para. in crayon:] ⇧ Dealt with March 5, 1912 © Translation Ian Bent, 2006, 2023 |
Footnotes1 Of Schenker's monograph Beethovens Neunte Sinfonie : gathering 10 = pp. 145‒60, 11 = pp. 161‒76; 12 = pp. 177–92; 13 = pp. 193–208 [Eng. transl, pp. 145‒57, 157‒70, 170‒82, 183‒96]; the third movement begins on p.193 [183] and the formal diagram on p. 194 [184]. — Schenker's lessonbook for March 3, 1912 records: "Correkturen bis Bogen 16." ("Correcting proofs as far as gathering 16."); March 4: "Abends Bg. 10‒11." ("In the evening, gatherings 10 and 11."); March 5: "Bg. 12‒13."("Gatherings 12‒13."). 2 Mahler's Ninth Symphony received its first performance as part of the 1912 Vienna Musikfestwochen on June 26, 1912, and two "evenings of modern music" took place within the same framework on June 25 and 29, 1912, hence presumably June 23–29 was one of the weeks. See also WSLB 113, May 18, 1912, and WSLB 117, June 3, 1912. |
Format† Double underlined |
Digital version created: 2023-01-03 |