JOB 94-3, [1] Handwritten letter from Schenker to Hammer dated December 19, 1921
Schenker seeks to articulate the difference between the painter's and the
composer's work as regards the Urlinie, using the terms "Ton" (vs. "Farbe"), "Tonkörper,"
and "Linie".
JOB 94-3, [1] Handwritten letter from Schenker to Hammer dated December 19, 1921
Schenker seeks to articulate the difference between the painter's and the
composer's work as regards the Urlinie, using the terms "Ton" (vs. "Farbe"), "Tonkörper,"
and "Linie".
JOB 94-3, [1] Handwritten letter from Schenker to Hammer dated December 19, 1921
Schenker seeks to articulate the difference between the painter's and the
composer's work as regards the Urlinie, using the terms "Ton" (vs. "Farbe"), "Tonkörper,"
and "Linie".
JOB 94-3, [1] Handwritten letter from Schenker to Hammer dated December 19, 1921
Schenker seeks to articulate the difference between the painter's and the
composer's work as regards the Urlinie, using the terms "Ton" (vs. "Farbe"), "Tonkörper,"
and "Linie".
OC 24/20 Handwritten letter from Frimmel to Schenker, dated August 1, 1921
Frimmel acknowledges receipt of a complimentary copy of Tonwille 1, comments
neutrally on Schenker's incursions into politics, imagines something rather different by the
concept of "Tonwille," and while agreeing with the criticism of Riemann thinks it could have
been done more gently. — He asks for review copies of Schenker's editions of Beethoven Op.
110 and 101.
OC 24/22 Typewritten postcard from Otto Erich Deutsch to Schenker, dated June 28,
Deutsch thanks Schenker for his postcard of June 26, 1921, and wishes him good
luck in his new home and with his summer trip to Galtür. Deutsch has read issue 1 of
Tonwille with great interest, and hopes that their connoisseur edition will be as
OC 24/4-5 Handwritten lettercard from Moriz Violin to Heinrich Schenker, dated August 3, 1921
Violin expresses his awe concerning the first issue of Der Tonwille, and declares
himself ready to offer his services in making Schenker's work better understood.
OC 52/242 Typed postcard from Hertzka (UE) to Schenker, dated January 3, 1921
Hertzka confirms day and time of meeting.
OC 52/244 Typed letter from Hertzka (UE) to Schenker, dated January 12, 1921
Hertzka sends contracts for NMTP and Kontrapunkt 2, and discusses the take-over
from Cotta, requesting Schenker's estimate of remaining stocks, and asking whether changes would
be required in a second edition of Kontrapunkt I.
OC 52/262 Typewritten letter from Waldheim–Eberle to Schenker, dated June 3, 1921
Waldheim-Eberle send copies of their text and music fonts, and asks Schenker
to select his choices for his edition of the Beethoven piano sonatas.
OC 65/57v Handwritten letter from Anna Fried to Schenker, dated September 20, 1921
Anna Fried has to suspend her lessons, hoping to resume
OC 65/59v Handwritten letter from Anna Fried to Schenker, dated December 28, 1921
Anna Fried sends New Year's greetings.
OC B/146 Postal receipt for a package from Schenker to Wilhelm Altmann, postmarked June 17,
Postal receipt for return of Simrock edition of Beethoven Op. 31, No.
OC B/148 Typewritten letter from Wilhelm Altmann to Schenker, dated September 9,
Altmann reports on holdings of Handel keyboard works; and on progress in
photographing Beethoven's Symphony No. 5; and thanks Schenker for sending Tonwille 1 and Op.
OC B/151 Typewritten postcard from Wilhelm Altmann to Schenker, dated June 10,
Altmann sends Schenker Beethoven Op. 31, No. 3 in the Simrock edition on
OC B/152 Handwritten postcard from Wilhelm Altmann to Schenker, dated June 30,
Altmann reports on holdings of Handel keyboard works edition
OC B/156 Typewritten postcard from Wilhelm Altmann to Schenker, postmarked January 18,
Photographing of movements 2-4 of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony will be delayed
until February.
OJ 10/1, [61] Handwritten letter from Dahms to Schenker, dated January 5, 1921
Dahms thanks Schenker for a photograph.
OJ 10/1, [62] Handwritten letter from Dahms to Schenker, dated April 4, 1921
Dahms asks Schenker to recommend him to Cotta re: the book he is writing on
Italian opera.
OJ 10/1, [63] Handwritten letter from Dahms to Schenker, dated June 17, 1921
Dahms sends birthday greetings. — Cotta has turned down his book proposal. — He
will soon obtain a passport and hopes to visit the Schenkers during the summer.
OJ 10/1, [64] Handwritten letter from Dahms to Schenker, dated July 14, 1921
Dahms has to go to Berlin, after which he will explore visiting the Schenkers in
OJ 10/1, [65] Handwritten letter from Dahms to Schenker, dated August 21, 1921
Dahms is unable to visit the Schenkers in Galtür. — He criticizes Berlin and its
artists and critics.
OJ 10/1, [66] Handwritten picture postcard from Margarete and Walter Dahms to Schenker, dated
September 22, 1921
Dahms and his wife send greetings from Munich.
OJ 10/1, [67] Handwritten postcard from Dahms to Schenker, dated October 12, 1921
Dahms reports on his Italian sojourn and work.
OJ 10/1, [68] Handwritten letter from Dahms to Schenker, dated November 22, 1921
Rome has been overtaken by commerce. — [material missing] — Berlin regards Dahms
as stuck in the past.
OJ 10/3, [23] Handwritten letter from Otto Erich Deutsch to Schenker, dated January 30,
The overdue ["Moonlight" Sonata edition] contract is finally ready, and
Deutsch hopes that Schenker is happy with the wording. The Bonn photographs are also ready.
Schenker should expect to receive an edited version of his commentary, and perhaps also an
English translation.
OJ 10/3, [24] Typewritten letter from Otto Erich Deutsch to Schenker, dated September 24,
Deutsch reports that the "Moonlight" Sonata edition is almost finished, but
because of translation problems he has asked Dr. Kalmus to show Schenker the latest revision
of the English preface. Schenker's photographic reproductions will be returned once a sample
print-out of the edition has been prepared and approved. The edition will launch in the
autumn, and Schenker's fee will have increased because of the delay.
OJ 10/3, [25] Typewritten letter from Otto Erich Deutsch to Schenker, dated November 15,
Deutsch notes the advance payments for Vrieslander's and Hoboken's copies of
the luxury edition of the "Moonlight" Sonata, both of which are to be delivered to
OJ 10/3, [26] Typewritten postcard from Otto Erich Deutsch to Schenker, dated December 28,
A payment of 1,200 marks from Seidel's Book Dealership, on behalf of Deutsch,
has been made to Schenker's Deutsche Bank account.
OJ 10/3, [27] Typewritten postcard from Österreichisches Credit-Institut to Schenker, dated
December 30, 1921
The Österreichisches Credit-Institut informs Schenker that 1,200 marks has
been paid into his account from Seidel's Book Dealership, O. E. Deutsch & Co,
OJ 11/10, [16] Handwritten letter from Frimmel to Schenker, dated September 26, 1921
Frimmel thanks Schenker for delivery of the latter's elucidatory editions of
Beethoven's piano sonatas Opp. 101 and 111, and expresses admiration.
OJ 11/35, 19 Handwritten letter from Halm to Schenker, dated July 28, 1921
Halm discusses an "intended gift," and the merits of Matthäus Hentz and K. T. Schmid to
receive it. Halm reports that he has moved from Esslingen to Wickersdorf, and that his Concerto for Large
Orchestra has been performed by Fritz Busch in Stuttgart, and comments on Cotta's hand-over of
OJ 11/36, [4] Handwritten letter from Hammer to Schenker, dated December 9, 1921
Hammer owns several of Schenker's books and is beginning to understand their
OJ 14/1, [4] Handwritten postcard from Felix Hupka to Schenker, dated February 18, 1921
In Leipzig Hupka reports that he has met Karl Straube, who inquired as to the
possibility of tempting Schenker to move to Leipzig, and also Alfred Heuss and Walter
OJ 14/1, [5] Handwritten letter from Felix Hupka to Schenker, dated November 18, 1921
Hupka reports on his latest concert, in Munich. Otto Vrieslander and Herman Roth
were present, and Hupka reports their critical reactions to his program. He visited the home of
Paul Hirsch.
OJ 14/21, [1] Delivery note from Seidel'sche Buchhandlung to Schenker, dated January 26, 1921
Delivery note from Deutsch's book dealership (Seidel'sche Buchhandlung) for Frimmel,
Beethoven-Forschung Vol. 1/8.
OJ 14/21, [2] Carbon copy of delivery note from Seidel'sche Buchhandlung to Schenker, dated 26 January, 1921, with
additional annotations, dated February 9, 1921
Annotated carbon copy of a delivery note from Deutsch's book dealership (Seidel'sche Buchhandlung)
for Frimmel, Beethoven-Forschung Vol. 1/8.
OJ 14/23, [20] Handwritten postcard from Seligmann to Schenker, undated [probably August
Seligmann thanks Schenker for arranging to have one of his books sent to him,
but it has not yet reached him. He looks forward to seeing him in the
OJ 14/45, [105] Handwritten postcard from Moriz Violin to Heinrich Schenker, dated October 6, 1921
Violin acknowledges receipt of payment, inquires about reviews of Der
OJ 14/45, [11] Handwritten letter from Moriz Violin to Schenker, dated September 1, 1921
Violin announces the formation of a piano trio ensemble with a violinist named
Wolfsthal and the cellist Friedrich Buxbaum, inquires about the proposed edition of Handel's
keyboard works, and reports on the incipient civil unrest in the wake of a national movement in
OJ 14/45, [12] Handwritten letter from Moriz Violin to Schenker, dated October 30, 1921
Violin reports on his work, and on musicians in Hamburg, and congratulates
Schenker on his (publication) successes.
OJ 15/15, [10] Handwritten postcard from Weisse to Schenker, dated September 12, 1921
Nearing the end of a two-week holiday in Bad Ischl, Weisse hopes to see Schenker
in Vienna the following Sunday.
OJ 15/15, [11] Handwritten postcard from Hertha and Hans Weisse to Schenker, dated December 1,
Weisse has returned a score to Universal Edition and written to Moriz Violin. He
has, with some reluctance, raised his lesson fee.
OJ 15/15, [9] Handwritten postcard from Weisse to Schenker, postmarked August 22, 1921
Weisse is taking a very late summer holiday and so cannot visit Schenker in
Galtür. He has finished composing a sonata and is writing out a fair copy.
OJ 15/16, [45] Handwritten letter from Weisse to Schenker, dated July 20, 1921
Weisse has completed a string quartet, the parts of which are being copied out,
after which the score will be sent to the leader of the Rosé Quartet. He has been recommended as
a music teacher in a school being set up in India by Rabindranath Tagore, but cannot accept
because his knowledge of English is insufficient. He enquires about the progress of Schenker's
current projects.
OJ 6/7, [1] Handwritten letter from Schenker to Moriz Violin, dated June 13, 1921
Schenker gives an account of the move into Keilgasse 8 and describes his study in
the apartment. He outlines his holiday plans, and explains how he is raising the fees for
lessons in the autumn.
OJ 8/4, [1] Handwritten postcard from Schenker to Moriz Violin, dated January 10, 1921
Schenker asks Violin to arrange for payments and currency
OJ 8/4, [2] Handwritten postcard from Schenker to Moriz Violin, dated February 6, 1921
Schenker congratulates Violin on obtaining a teaching post in Hamburg and reports
on progress on his written work and publications.
OJ 8/4, [3] Handwritten postcard from Schenker to Valerie Violin, dated February 8, 1921
Schenker accepts an invitation to lunch from Valerie Violin.
OJ 8/4, [4] Handwritten postcard from Heinrich and Jeanette Schenker to Valerie Violin, dated
February 26, 1921
Schenker inquires about a series of payments from Miss Reich for
OJ 8/4, [5] Handwritten postcard from Schenker to Moriz Violin, dated April 29, 1921
Schenker describes some of the last-minute activities prior to their moving to a
new apartment, at No. 8 Keilgasse, lists his works that are about to be published, and reports
that Buxbaum has been dismissed as cellist of the Arnold Rosé Quartet.
OJ 8/4, [6] Handwritten picture postcard from Heinrich and Jeanette Schenker to Moriz Violin, dated
June 30, 1921
On holiday (for the first time) in Galtür in the Paznaun Valley, Schenker
composes two short verses in local dialect, and Jeanette a third, to convey something of the
Tyrolean atmosphere.
OJ 8/4, [7] Handwritten picture postcard from Schenker to Moriz Violin, dated July 6, 1921
In anticipation of preparing an edition of Handel's keyboard works, Schenker asks
Violin for the address of a library in Hamburg that would be likely to have an early print or
handwritten copy of Handel's first book of Suites.
OJ 8/4, [8] Handwritten postcard from Schenker to Moriz Violin, dated September 23, 1921
Schenker alerts Violin to the imminent arrival of a payment.