22. April 1931 Leicht bedeckt, 12°.
— An Voß (Br.): Wünsche für seine Unternehmungen, lege eine Mozart-Karte 1 bei. — An Rietzler (Br.): die Mozart-Karte. — Nach Tisch: wir verkaufen in der Creditanstalt 500 $ u. nehmen 1500 S. nachhause. — Nach der Jause Brief an Weisse diktirt! Antworte nachträglich: „Im Prinzip“ macht mir bange; jedenfalls bitte ich darauf zu dringen, daß ich die 7000 S. bis zum 20. VI. erhalte. Was soll Karpath, wenn Weisse an F. glaubt? — Von Deutsch (Br.OJ 10/3, [146]): erlaubt sich in seiner Dummheit eine Kritik an meiner secunda volta 2 u. glaubt das wieder gutzumachen, wenn er mir mitteilt, daß er Kobald, Wisoko u. a. ins Archiv einladen werde. — Von Baumgarten (K.): kann Montag unmöglich kommen, wäre bereit Mittwoch zu kommen. — An Halberstam (K.): bitte ihn also für Mittwoch. —© Transcription Marko Deisinger. |
April 22, 1931, partly cloudy, 12°.
— To Voss (letter): best wishes for his undertakings; I enclose a Mozart card. 1 — To Riezler (letter): the Mozart card. — After lunch: we exchange $500 at the Creditanstalt, and take 1,500 shillings home with us. — After teatime, a letter to Weisse dictated! I reply additionally: "in principle" disconcerts me; in any event, I ask him to insist that I receive the 7,000 shillings by June 20. What does Karpath have to do if Weisse has faith in Furtwängler? — From Deutsch (letterOJ 10/3, [146]): in his stupidity, he takes the liberty of criticizing my seconda volta, 2 and thinks that he has made up for it by informing me that he will invite Kobald, Wisoko and others to the Archive. — From Baumgarten (postcard): it is impossible for him to come on Monday, he would be able to come on Wednesday. — To Halberstam (postcard): I therefore ask him to come on Wednesday. —© Translation William Drabkin. |
Footnotes1 One of the cards that Schenker had prepared by the printers Jahoda & Siegel. On it is printed an extract from a letter from Mozart, which Schenker reproduced and commented on in an article "Ein verschollener Brief von Mozart und das Geheimnis seines Schaffens," Der Kunstwart 44 (July 1931), pp. 660–66. 2 A passage that Schenker composed for an incomplete, untexted song by Schubert (D. 955), dated April 13, 1931, and preserved with the covering letter in the Wienbibliothek im Rathaus under the signature J. N. 191.572. |