(Gotthilf) Erich Voss
Documents associated with this person:
Pupil of Felix-Eberhard von Cube.
By 1929, Erich Voss, resident in Cologne, had learned something of Schenker’s theory from Felix-Eberhard von Cube, and expressed a desire to study with Schenker in Vienna, or if not then Hans Weisse. Schenker was willing to take him on for 1929/30 at two lessons a week, but after some uncertainty his offer was not taken up and Voss does not appear in Schenker’s lessonbooks for 1929/30 or 1930/31 or later tables of pupils. He appears to have studied with von Cube, and by 1931 (when von Cube moved to Hamburg) was teaching counterpoint and advocating for Schenker’s cause.
Nine letters and one postcard, spanning 1930 to 1934, from Voss to Schenker, plus a New Year’s greetings card and a signed announcement of lectures by Voss, are preserved as OJ 15/3. Schenker’s diary records that Voss first approached him in 1929.
- Ian Bent