OJ 11/29, [3] Handwritten letter from Grunsky to Schenker, dated September 10, 1908
Grunsky acknowledges receipt of Schenker's Beitrag zur Ornamentik and two
letters; — He recognizes that he and Schenker hold "opposite views" on Bruckner's music but
welcomes Schenker's openness to discussion; — He counters Schenker's arguments on Bruckner's
approach to form, rhythm, theme, and musical character; — He admits his own "antipathy"
toward the music of Brahms.
DLA 69.930/1 Handwritten letter from Schenker to Halm, July 8, 1917
Schenker acknowledges Halm's letter; he discusses the relative merits of editions
of Beethoven variations, and looks forward to seeing Halm's review of his "Beethoven editions";
he is putting the finishing touches to Kontrapunkt 2.
OJ 13/25, [1] Handwritten letter from Albert Trentini (on behalf of Hermann Rinn) to Schenker,
dated February 23, 1927
Trentini invites Schenker to contribute to Der Kunstwart.
OJ 13/25, [2] Typewritten letter from Rinn to Schenker, dated April 6, 1927
Having received a letter from Schenker to Albert Trentini, Rinn welcomes the
prospect of Schenker contributing the occasional article to Der Kunstwart, and asks for a
OJ 13/25, [3] Typewritten letter from Rinn to Schenker, dated December 7, 1928
Rinn enthusiastically thanks Schenker for his intention to write an article,
and for arranging to have the necessary photographic reproductions
OJ 5/38, [53] Handwritten letter from Heinrich to Wilhelm Schenker, dated January 27,
Schenker explains that his involvement with a Schubert festival and conference
has prevented him from writing sooner. He speaks about his blood-sugar level, about
listening to the radio, and about visits from their brother Mozio before finishing with two
Jewish jokes.
OJ 6/7, [41] Handwritten letter from Schenker to Moriz Violin, dated February 27, 1929
Schenker thanks Violin for his concerns, describes how they survived the cold
weather earlier in February, reports that his monograph on the "Eroica" Symphony is finished
and that he has written an article about the Photogram Archive, which has acquired over
seven thousand pages of manuscripts. He looks forward to seeing his friend in the
OJ 13/25, [5] Typewritten letter from Rinn to Schenker, dated March 7, 1929
Rinn apologizes for the small format in which the autograph of Schubert's
minuet was reproduced for Schenker's article "Eine Rettung der klassischen Musik-Texte." He
has publicized the work, and intends to send copies of it to university music departments
and inform other newspapers and journals of it. He expresses thanks for the efforts that
Schenker made in contributing to Der Kunstwart, and for his remarks on Bruckner's Ninth
OJ 6/7, [42] Handwritten letter, with envelope, from Schenker to Moriz Violin, dated March 7,
In reply to Violin's previous letter, Schenker writes out a graphic analysis
of Bach's Two-Part Invention in C major, and wishes him an enjoyable holiday on the French
OJ 14/45, [77] Handwritten letter from Violin to Schenker, dated March 20, 1929
Violin thanks Schenker for his letter with the voice-leading sketch of Bach's
C major Invention, and for the article from Der Kunstwart on the Photogram Archive. He is
enjoying the climate of Nice, and seems to be getting on well with the French language; a
lady who overheard him playing the piano praised his expressive playing.
OJ 13/25, [6] Typewritten letter from Rinn to Schenker, dated March 22, 1929
Rinn tells Schenker that Alfred Einstein has expressed an interest in
promoting Schenker's work on autograph manuscripts with a notice in the Berliner
OJ 9/34, [16] Handwritten letter from Cube to Schenker, dated March 26, 1929
Cube is listening by radio to music being performed in Vienna. The two caricatures are his
fellow composition teachers at Duisburg. Reports on his work at Cologne Conservatory: success with previous
lectures, and forthcoming lecture series.
OJ 10/3, [99] Typewritten picture postcard from Deutsch to Schenker, dated March 27,
Deutsch asks which edition of the Schubert Minuet in B minor he had consulted
when writing an article in Der Kunstwart.
OJ 13/25, [7] Typewritten letter from Rinn to Schenker, dated December 2, 1929
Rinn sends Schenker the October and November 1929 issues of Der Kunstwart. In
contrast to his own journal, he describes the progressive Münchener Neueste Nachrichten (for
whom Wilhelm Hausenstein, Joseph Roth, and Felix Salten were writing) as belonging to "the
other side."
OJ 13/25, [8] Typewritten letter from Rinn to Schenker, dated January 2, 1930
Rinn has sent Schenker copies of Der Kunstwart and will be in touch with him
about his next contribution, the extracts from the Masterwork yearbooks.
OJ 10/3, [121] Typewritten picture postcard from Deutsch to Schenker, dated March 5,
Deutsch tells Schenker that Hoboken may stay in Berlin, at least temporarily.
His friend Otto Stoessl works for Der Kunstwart but has not invited him to contribute to
that periodical. He has found a review in a Stuttgart music journal which contains words of
high praise for Schenker’s Erläuterungsausgaben of the late Beethoven
OJ 13/25, [9] Typewritten letter from Rinn to Schenker, dated March 8, 1930
Vrieslander's article about Schenker for Der Kunstwart is too technical and
too long for a journal with amateur readership; he has asked Vrieslander to shorten it. — He
expresses enthusiasm for Schenker's idea of writing about the relationship of the great
German poets to music.
OJ 13/25, [10] Typewritten letter from Rinn to Schenker, dated May 15, 1930
Rinn sends a copy of Vrieslander's article on Schenker, which will appear in
the next issue of Der Kunstwart. — He looks forward to receiving Schenker's essay on German
poets and music, and hopes that Schenker will consider writing some commentary-style pieces
for him.
OJ 5/9, [3] Handwritten letter from Schenker to Deutsch, dated May 15, 1930
Discusses Beethoven's song "Neue Liebe, neues Leben" (Op. 75, No. 2). Dr. Rinn
will be inviting Deutsch to collaborate.
OC 54/304 Typewritten letter from Deutsch to Schenker, dated June 10, 1930
Deutsch returns a letter from Furtwängler; he finds Vrieslander’s essay about
Schenker difficult to read. He advises him to proceed with the printing of his essay on the
"Eroica" Symphony, even if it proves possible for another publisher to take it over at a
late stage. He is still looking for someone to arrange Schubert’s piano-duet marches [for
orchestra or wind band].
OJ 13/25, [11] Typewritten letter from Rinn to Schenker, dated June 13, 1930
Rinn hopes Schenker will soon finish his great work (i.e. Free Composition)
soon and devote himself to writing for Der Kunstwart.
OC 54/305 Typewritten letter from Deutsch to Schenker, dated June 19, 1930
A new print of works by C. P. E. Bach has arrived at Hoboken’s; Deutsch would
like Schenker to look at it. -- He advises Schenker to make corrections to Tomay’s
calligraphy [of the voice-leading graphs] as soon as they are ready, and not to wait until
September, if the "Eroica" monograph is to be published by the end of the
OJ 10/3, [131] Handwritten letter from Deutsch to Schenker, dated November 5, 1930
Deutsch advises Schenker to send a sample of proofs of the third Meisterwerk
yearbook to the editor of Der Kunstwart. He thanks him for copies of the letters written by
Leo Kestenberg.
OJ 13/25, [12] Typewritten letter from Rinn to Schenker, dated November 17, 1930
Rinn recommends an discussion in the Münchener Zeitung involving one of his
assistants, Alexander Berrsche. He looks forward to seeing the third Masterwork yearbook and
speaks of publishing a selection of "aphorisms" from the second and third
WSLB 424 Handwritten letter from Schenker to UE, dated December 8, 1930
Schenker requests that a full set of Tonwille issues be sent to Hermann
OJ 6/8, [1] Handwritten letter from Schenker to Violin, dated January 9, 1931
In this long and wide-ranging two-part letter, which includes a graphic
analysis of J. S. Bach’s Two-part Invention in E-flat major, Schenker praises the work of
Hans Weisse, who has recently returned from lecturing in Berlin and may be offered a post
there (on Furtwängler’s recommendation), emigrate to America (with the help of Gerald
Warburg), or even found an institute that would give employment to Felix Salzer and other
Schenkerian disciples under one roof. — A letter from Violin, which has just arrived in the
morning post, speaks of Violin’s own intention to establish a Schenker Institute in Hamburg.
For this, Schenker recommends Felix-Eberhard von Cube (in preference to Reinhard Oppel) and
Otto Vrieslander as possible theory teachers, if not Weisse himself. — The letter concludes
with a tirade against those who have caused him financial misery (including his brother
Mozio), culminating in a cynical passage in which Schenker advises his friend to look after
himself and engage some dull pedagog to teach conventional theory. In the end, he wishes
Violin luck with the enterprise, and thanks him for having helped rescue him from Hertzka’s
OJ 9/34, [23] Handwritten letter from Cube to Schenker, dated February 10, 1931
Cube acknowledges issue of Der Kunstwart; encloses a letter from Walter Braunfels responding to his
plans to establish a Rhineland base for Schenkerian teaching at the Cologne Hochschule für Musik; wonders whether
Anthony van Hoboken might be approached for financial assistance on this, and if so how the approach should be
OJ 15/15, [55] Handwritten picture postcard from Weisse to Schenker, dated February 13,
Weisse thanks Schenker for sending him a Mozart quotation, asks for a source
for it, and makes a reference to a certain "Preetorius."
OJ 10/3, [139] Typewritten letter from Deutsch to Schenker, dated February 24, 1931
Deutsch has found the source of a letter, of interest to Schenker, which was
cited in a recent newspaper article by Richard Benz.
OJ 10/3, [145] Handwritten picture postcard from Deutsch to Schenker, dated April 2,
Deutsch comments on Schenker’s essay on a “lost Mozart letter,” to be
published in Der Kunstwart. He does not himself question its authenticity but advises
Schenker to get in touch with Richard Benz in Heidelberg about it.
OJ 5/18, 5 Handwritten picture postcard from Schenker to Jonas, dated April 19, 1931
Schenker acknowledges OJ 12/6, [9]. — The planned collection essays is
premature: 1,000 Marks is better spent on new works. — But the collection should be a
OJ 11/32, [8] Typed letter from Robert Haas to Schenker, dated June 27, 1931
Haas sends summer greetings, and agrees to advise Angi Elias.
OJ 5/7a, [38] (formerly vC 38) Handwritten letter from Schenker to Cube, in Jeanette Schenker's hand, dated June 30, 1931
Schenker encloses the [Mozart calling] card, and sends an article from Der Kunstwart; he
emphasizes that Moriz Violin's new institute is a "school," not a "seminar," and offers detailed advice;
comments that his theory from Harmonielehre to Meisterwerk constitutes a self-contained whole; recommends use of
C. P. E. Bach's Versuch with his theory applied to the examples; and foretells the Urlinie-Tafeln that should be
available to Violin/Cub in Hamburg and to Weisse in New York. His eyes have suffered and need complete
OJ 8/5, [5] Handwritten picture postcard from Schenker to Violin, dated July 13,
Schenker asks Violin if he has yet seen the review of Meisterwerk 3 in the
current issue of Die Musik, which has raised his standing in the world.
OC 50/14 Typewritten letter from Elsa Bienenfeld to Schenker, dated July 15, 1931
Bienenfeld explains her disagreement with Schenker’s acceptance in an article
of a Mozart letter of questionable authenticity, and inquires whether in the event of a
negative judgment he still wishes there to be a review.
OJ 14/23, [25] Handwritten picture postcard from Seligmann to Schenker, postmarked July 17,
Seligmann acknowledges the receipt of Schenker’s article about a lost Mozart
letter, published in Der Kunstwart. He was surprised to learn that some Mozart scholars
doubted its authenticity.
OC 38/155v Handwritten letter (fragment) from Violin to Schenker, dated July 18,
Violin’s son collapsed while away on a school holiday, but is now recovering.
The family are about to move to a new apartment in Hamburg, and Violin is sending Schenker a
copy of the prospectus for the Schenker Institute.
OJ 10/3, [151] Typewritten letter from Deutsch to Schenker, dated July 29, 1931
Deutsch reports illness in his family over the summer. -- He is glad to see
Schenker’s article on the lost Mozart letter in print, and mentions other places in which it
was reproduced. He has made some discoveries about Lord Horatio Nelson and Haydn, which
have, however, been misrepresented in the press.
FS 40/1, [3] Handwritten letter from Schenker to Salzer, dated September 14, 1931
Schenker asks for a meetings to discuss lesson schedule.
OJ 6/8, [6] Handwritten letter from Schenker to Violin, dated September 28, 1931
Schenker is heartened that Herman Roth, once again, seems to be supporting his
cause. Schenker recommends a series of possible “guest speakers” at the Schenker Institute
and asks if there is some sort of monument or commemorative space devoted to C. P. E. Bach
in Hamburg.
OJ 12/6, [18] Handwritten letter from Jonas to Schenker, dated December 15, 1932
Jonas comments on Schenker's article in Der Kunstwart; reports conversation
with Furtwängler; would like to write something on Handel-Brahms Saul; has heard nothing
further from van Hoboken.
OJ 15/16, [89] Handwritten letter from Weisse to Schenker, dated February 15, 1933
Weisse has received a copy of Otto Vrieslander's recently published songs and
has written Vrieslander a long, critical letter. — He reports on initiatives to have some of
Schenker's writings translated into English, and on the success of his analysis of the Bach
C major Prelude. Their having purchased copies of the Five Analyses in Sketchform/Fünf
Urlinie-Tafeln, published by the David Mannes School, is further testimony of Schenker's
success on American soil.
OJ 6/8, [22] Handwritten letter from Schenker to Violin, dated April 21, 1933
Schenker eagerly awaits Violin’s arrival in Vienna. He will soon send his
friend a copy of the Brahms study Oktaven und Quinten.
OJ 5/18, 25 Handwritten postcard from Schenker to Jonas, dated May 4, 1933
Schenker expresses doubts about Hoboken's motives for discussion, and reports
two new publications.
OJ 6/8, [23] Handwritten letter from Schenker to Violin, dated May 3, 1933
Preparing for Violin’s arrival, Schenker proposes that he ask the same lesson
fee that his friend would ask, 25–30 shillings per hour, for any new pupils he takes on. (He
will charge Miss Weber less, Hans Wolf perhaps a bit more.) Wolf will get tuition in theory,
but continue to study the piano with Violin.
OJ 14/10, [10] Handwritten letter from Rosa Weil to Heinrich & Jeanette Schenker, dated
November 13, 1933
Rosa Weil incloses a letter from Victor Schiff, commenting on its contents,
speculating as to why he has returned from Palestine. — She reports Klara’s present violent
condition, remarking on Klara’s husband Oskar’s stoicism. — She describes the family’s
recent holiday in Austria. — She admits being musically uneducated.
OJ 89/7, [14] Handwritten letter from Schenker to Hoboken, dated August 4, 1934
Schenker asks about Hoboken's address. — An article has appeared belatedly in
the Deutsche Zeitschrift.
OJ 5/18, 49 Handwritten letter from Schenker to Jonas, dated August 2, 1934
Schenker expresses heartfelt thanks to Jonas for his book; their project is
fundamentally one of "present-day Jewry." — An excerpt from Der freie Satz is to appear in
Der Kunstwart. —Schenker has had to give up Willfort and Kraus because of their negligence
regarding the planned Urlinie-Tafeln vol. II.