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  • Joseph Bick
  • Byk


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  • OJ 10/3, [159] Typewritten letter from Deutsch to Schenker, dated October 23, 1931

    Deutsch enumerates three points arising from his meeting the previous day (October 22, 1931) with Robert Haas and Wilhelm Weckbecker: that the minister (for education) should be approached regarding the conferral of a civic honor upon Anthony Hoboken by the Austrian state; that Hoboken’s character and reputation should in the meantime be “cleaned up,” by appealing to the Vienna police authorities; that Hoboken should invite – separately – Weckbecker and Ludwig Karpath to his home to examine his personal library. He asks Schenker to get in touch with Karpath about this, but to do so tactfully and with reference to these three points.

  • OJ 10/3, [160] Typewritten letter from Deutsch to Schenker, dated October 24, 1931

    Deutsch is pleased that his “plotting” to obtain for Hoboken a civic honor from the Austrian state is working so far. He has spoken on the telephone with Ludwig Karpath and will see him next week. Hoboken’s character seems not to have been blotted by an incident in Munich some time ago: whatever misdeed he may have for which he had been accused, and which led to his (brief) incarceration, can never be proved.
