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Elder daughter of Oskar Fränkl and Frieda Fränkl (née Guttmann), grand-niece of Heinrich Schenker; sister of Edith Fränkl.

Hilde was born in Czernowitz, capital city of Bukovina, which by the time of her birth was part of Rumania. News of the birth reached Heinrich and Jeanette Schenker by post on March 12. In December 1934, Frieda reported to Heinrich that Hilde was attending kindergarten, and that Julian considered her “charming and good” (OC A/289). By January 1938, Sophie reported to Jeanette that Hilde was in third grade (OJ 11/31, [1]), by June 1939 that she had already moved up to secondary school (OJ 11/31, [3]). Nothing is known of her beyond that date, or the circumstances of her death.


  • Ian Bent

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