Oskar Fränkl [Fränkel]
Documents associated with this person:
Husband of Frieda Guttman, father of Hilde Fränkl and Edith Fränkl, son-in-law to Sophie Guttmann and Salo Guttmann.
Nothing is known of Oskar Fränkl prior to his marriage to Frieda Guttmann in May or June 1928, other than that he had a brother (first name unknown). Oskar was in business (unstated), in which his brother on at least one occasion served as his substitute. Wilhelm Schenker remarked of him in 1929: “Frieda has found herself a good, well-to-do man; could she wish for more?” (OJ 5/38, [53]).
The couple’s first child, Hilde, arrived in mid-March 1929, and second child, Edith, in early May 1932. In 1938 and 1939 Oskar and Frieda were living in Czernowitz (OJ 11/31, [1]), and in November 1938 Oskar is reported as asking why Sophie and Salo do not bring Jeanette Schenker to live with them (OJ 11/31, [2]).
Nothing is known of him or is family, or the circumstances of their deaths, after 1939. No correspondence between him and Heinrich or Jeanette Schenker is known to have occurred.
- Ian Bent