Sbb B II 3549 Handwritten letter from Schenker to Busoni, undated [c. September 1,
Schenker explains that Arnold Schoenberg asked to orchestrate the piano duet
Syrian Dances years earlier, therefore that an orchestral version should be available. He
says, however, that he had from the beginning conceived the pieces in orchestral colors, but
that the orchestration would now take time, so he asks Busoni's preference. He reports that
other music societies have asked to perform works by him.
OJ 14/23, [7] Handwritten letter from Seligmann to Schenker, undated [probably late summer or
early autumn 1903]
In this long letter, Seligmann advises Schenker on how to prepare an
application for a teaching post at the Vienna Conservatory: what to include and whom to get
in touch with at the Conservatory and the Gesellschaft der Muikfreunde. He thinks that a
position at the projected Lyceum in Vienna offers a better prospect and advises enlisting
the help of his patron Baron Rothschild.
Sbb B II 4424 Handwritten letter from Schenker to Busoni, dated October 8, 1903
The orchestral parts of Schoenberg's orchestration of Schenker's Syrische
Tänze have been dispatched to Busoni: Schenker comments on their degree of clarity and
correctness, and offers advice on performance. He will be attending rehearsals in Berlin.
Weinberger have asked that the existing title be retained. -- Schenker reports on
prospective performances of his works. He also reports on good chances of receiving a theory
professorship at the Vienna Conservatory, and doesn't want Jewishness associated with his
compositions lest this should impair those chances.
CA 76 Handwritten letter from Schenker to Cotta, dated April 24, 1908
Schenker asks for a copy of his Harmonielehre to be sent to the Gesellschaft
der Musikfreunde; — He seeks advice regarding Theodor Frimmel and the Beethoven-Jahrbuch,
explaining the delay on Kontrapunkt I.
OJ 9/31, [18] Stenographically handwritten letter from Cotta to Schenker, dated April 25,
Cotta has sent a copy of Harmonielehre to the Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde,
and thinks that pre-publication excerpting of Kontrapunkt would be
WSLB 14 Handwritten letter from Schenker to Hertzka (UE), dated August 19, 1908
Schenker gives list of those to receive a copy of Beitrag zur
OJ 9/32, [4] Invoice from Cotta to Schenker, dated September 1, 1908
Invoice for copies of Harmonielehre to Busoni, the Gesellschaft der
Musikfreunde, and Löwe.
WSLB-Hds 94475 Handwritten letter from Schenker to Seligmann, undated [probably early July
Schenker asks Seligmann to read an essay on Byron’s Manfred and, if he thinks
it worthy of publication, to send a letter of reference to one or other Viennese newspaper.
He also expresses his satisfaction at how his career is shaping: he has requested and
received generous fees for the editions he has prepared for Universal Edition, and his
theoretical writings for Cotta are also moving along.
OJ 5/35, [5] Handwritten draft letter from Schenker to Ernst Rudorff, dated October 10,
Schenker, on receipt of the score of a Rudorff choral work, praises its
textural clarity and melodic articulation, comparing them favorably to the writing of the
current generation. — He reports the success of his own recent theory works, and inroads
made into the Vienna Academy for Music and Performance Art.
OJ 7/4, [61] Handwritten postcard from Schenker to Violin, dated March 23, 1910
Schenker suggests they return the due borrowed items to the Archive
OJ 11/22, [2] Typewritten letter from the Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde (Marchet, Krause) to
Schenker, dated June 21, 1912
The writers announce plans to institute a regular program of lectures under the
auspices of the Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde, and invite Schenker to participate by offering a
lecture or lecture series.
WSLB 124 Handwritter letter from Schenker to Hertzka (UE), dated June 27, 1912
Schenker asks for copies of his Beethovens neunte Sinfonie to be sent to
himself and others. -- He reports that the Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde has invited him to
OJ 5/14, [1] Handwritten letter from Schenker to the Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde, dated June 29,
Schenker responds the the Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde's invitation to give a
lecture or series of lectures on a topic of his own choosing; commenting on the reasons behind
the proposal, and the style of lecture expected, he expresses his willingness, proposes a
subject, and states his fee.
WSLB 129 Handwritten letter from Schenker to Hertzka (UE), dated August 6, 1912
Schenker informs Hertzka that he has been approached by the Gesellschaft der
Musikfreunde with a view to his teaching a course at the Society's new "free high school"
beginning in October, and inquires whether Hertzka will meet his demands so that he can
proceed with Die letzen fünf Sonaten Beethovens.
OC 52/437 Typewritten letter from Hertzka (UE) to Schenker, dated August 12, 1912
Die letzten fünf Sonaten: Hertzka finds Schenker's suggested rewording too
general; Beethovens neunte Sinfonie: Hertzka will pay the supplementary fee demanded by
Schenker, but only after 500 copies have been sold.
WSLB 132 Handwritten letter from Schenker to Hertzka (UE), dated August 25, 1912
Schenker returns the contract for Die letzten fünf Sonaten von Beethoven
signed. — Proclaiming "Ex Austria lux," he says that Austria's tradition from Haydn to
Brahms and Dvořák[sic] will now be followed by Schenker's "explanation" (Aufklärung) of that
tradition, which will spawn a new generation of composers superior to the present
"cacophony," with Universal Edition as the agent of that "rebuilding of tonal music" (Aufbau
der Tonkunst). — He alludes to the possibility of teaching for the Gesellschaft der
Musikfreunde's proposed "Hochschule." — He prompts Hertzka to act on the Organization of
Musicians project in the fall.
OJ 12/29, [5] Typewritten letter from Carl Lafite (Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde) to Schenker,
dated September 14, 1912
Lafite invites Schenker to call on him to discuss the conditions of the
WSLB 135 Handwritten letter from Schenker to Hertzka (UE), dated September 7, 1912
Schenker insistently reiterates his request for the first half honorarium for
Die letzten fünf Sonaten Beethovens. — He alludes to an announcement by the Gesellschaft der
WSLB 136 Handwritten letter from Schenker to Hertzka (UE), dated September 21,
Schenker reports the stormy end to the prospect of his teaching in the
Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde's "Hochschule."
WSLB 137 Handwritten letter from Schenker to Hertzka (UE), dated September 24,
Schenker reports developments on the Organization front and also the
Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde's "Hochschule" front.
OJ 5/14, [2] Handwritten draft letter from Schenker to the Gustav Marchet (Gesellschaft der
Musikfreunde), dated September 27, 1912
Schenker details to the President of the Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde, Gustav
Marchet, letters that he has received from the Society's General Secretary, Carl Lafite; he
lodges his complaint at the way in which he has been treated, which he considers impolite and
publicly demeaning, and withdraws his offer of lectures.
WSLB 143 Handwritten letter from Schenker to Hertzka (UE), dated November 27[–28],
Schenker requests another copy of Beethoven Op. 109, and lists the sources he
has now consulted, the communications with scholars, the cost and time involved, proclaims
the "spectacular" findings made, and the incompetence of all previous editors
WSLB 310 Handwritten letter from Schenker to Hertzka (UE), dated December 17, 1919
Louis Koch has given consent; Schenker asks Hertzka to pick up the photographs
while in Frankfurt; they need to discuss how Schenker allocates his time for the Kleine
Bibliothek and other tasks.
OC 52/507-508 Typed letter from Hertzka (UE) to Schenker, dated December 19, 1919
Hertzka is pleased that Louis Koch has given his consent [for Op. 101]; he
suggests that UE obtain certain sources from the Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde Archive on loan
at the office for Schenker to work on; and offers a larger fee for Op. 101, and cautions
Schenker about growing costs of photographic work.
OJ 10/3, [7] Handwritten letter from Otto Erich Deutsch Deutsch to Schenker, dated January 16,
Deutsch will write to the Beethoven House in Bonn to seek permission to
reproduce the manuscript of the "Moonlight" Sonata. He suggests using the first edition as
the source for the missing opening and closing bars, and asks Schenker to refrain from
polemics in his commentary. Copies of the manuscripts of Beethoven's piano sonatas Opp. 28,
109, 110 and 111 should not be difficult to obtain, and he has made inquiries regarding the
manuscripts of Beethoven's Piano Sonata Op. 106 and Mozart's A minor Rondo K.
OJ 10/1, [75] Handwritten postcard from Dahms to Schenker, dated May 7, 1923
Dahms has received Vrieslander's essay on Schenker; reports progress on
subscriptions for his de luxe edition, proofs, and his work on Haydn; political comment.
OC 12/249 Handwritten letter (copy) from Schenker to Klenau, dated January 4, 1924
Schenker responds to Klenau's remarks on atonal composers and a coming
Renaissance; invites him to visit on a Wednesday.
OJ 6/7, [10] Handwritten letter from Schenker to Moriz Violin, dated October 26, 1924
Schenker names ten universities that should receive complimentary copies of Der
Tonwille, explaining that university music departments (Seminare) are more suitable recipients
than conservatories and other types of music schools. With 1924 coming to an end, he will resign
from UE and shift publication of Der Tonwille to Piper or Drei-Masken Verlag in Munich. The
latter have agreed to publish his study of Beethoven's Sonata Op. 106
OJ 6/7, [12] Handwritten letter from Schenker to Moriz Violin, dated November 8, 1924
Hearing that Violin is unwell, Schenker wishes his friend a speedy recovery. —
Encloses a draft of a letter to the university music departments chosen to be given copies of
Der Tonwille. — Recounts a story according to which Eusebius Mandyczewski prevented distribution
of complimentary copies of Der Tonwille to needy scholars.
FS 40/27, [1] Handwritten letter from Weisse to Schenker, dated October 12, 1925
Weisse has come across a letter from Haydn to Carl Friedrich Zelter expressing
gratitude and admiration for Zelter's analysis of "The Representation of Chaos" from The
Creation, and thinks that it might be worth looking up Zelter's work in connection with
Schenker's forthcoming study of the same work.
OJ 10/3, [44] Typewritten letter from Deutsch to Schenker, dated November 22, 1925
Deutsch enjoyed today's afternoon tea at the Schenkers and will return the Vrieslander and Hammer
books to Schenker tomorrow. He asks Schenker to speak to Hoboken about the possibility of him purchasing
Deutsch's collection of Schubert first editions.
OC 54/83 Typed letter from Alfred Böhme (DMV) to Schenker, dated June 15, 1926
Drei Masken Verlag are sending Schenker ten hard-bound complimentary copies of
the first Meisterwerk Yearbook, although he may contractually be entitled only to five
hard-bound and five paper-bound copies. They ask him to send the addresses to which review
copies may be sent. (Schenker has made some pencil notes about the receipients of the
complimentary copies.)
OJ 10/3, [52] Typewritten postcard from Deutsch to Schenker, dated January 15, 1927
Deutsch asks Schenker if a (recent) edition of Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony was
based on the facsimile edition. He has sent the manuscript (of Schenker’s second Meisterwerk
yearbook) to the publishers. A Haydn facsimile and a Handel print can be discussed
OC 54/137 Typed letter from Otto Erich Deutsch to Schenker, dated March 16, 1927
Deutsch returns part of the proofs of the second Meisterwerk Yearbook and
provides bibliographical details of a Haydn sketch-leaf to be reproduced for the essay on
“The Representation of Chaos.”
OJ 10/3, [60] Typewritten express postcard from Deutsch to Schenker, dated April 21,
Deutsch looks forwarded to seeing the Schenkers at Hoboken’s place. The
Society of the Friends of Music would like their print of a Haydn sketchleaf to be returned;
Eusebius Mandyczewki is unable to find a copy of Scarlatti’s Op. 1 (a collection of six
keyboard sonatas).
OJ 10/3, [83] Typewritten picture postcard from Deutsch to Schenker, dated April 16,
Deutsch has had sharp words with Max Ast at Austrian Radio. He wants to give a
talk on Schubert’s lost “Gastein” (or “Gmunden”) Symphony and hopes that publicity from the
broadcasting company will eventually lead to the rediscovery of the manuscript. Eusebius
Mandyczewski is preparing a new edition of the “Unfinished” Symphony for Breitkopf &
Härtel; the Philharmonia pocket score, with Schenker’s and Deutsch’s revisions, is now in
print. Deutsch has discovered that the first edition of Beethoven’s Piano Sonata Op. 90
exists in two versions.
OJ 10/3, [104] Typewritten letter from Deutsch to Schenker, dated July 28, 1929
In a long letter, Deutsch thanks Schenker for encouraging him to apply for the
post of Head Archivist at the Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde following the death of the
previous postholder, Eusebius Mandyczewski, on July 13. He comments on the present state of
play at the Archive, above all on its insecure position. — He also expresses his regret that
Austrian Radio is no longer interested in his “Chamber Ensemble” broadcasts with professors
from the Vienna Academy, and that some of the players are no longer enthusiastic about them;
he hopes to start a new initiative of that sort in the autumn. — He is in good standing with
Hoboken, but the work on his private library is not bringing him rewards. — He enjoyed his
recent trip to Italy, and thinks that he might have become an art historian had he gotten to
know the country earlier.
OJ 5/38, [58a] Handwritten letter from Heinrich to Wilhelm Schenker, dated August 11,
Heinrich asks for his brother’s medical opinion about the pains in his chest
and throat.
OJ 10/3, [110] Typewritten picture postcard from Deutsch to Schenker, dated November 8,
Deutsch has come in second place in the application to the Society of the
Friends of Music [for the directorship of its Archive], and will not accept an inferior
position there. He proposes a meeting with Schenker on Tuesday [the 12th] or Friday [the
OJ 10/3, [120] Handwritten postcard from Deutsch to Schenker, dated March 2, 1930
Deutsch has come across information suggesting that there may be parts, even a
score, of the "Eroica" Symphony with corrections in Beethoven’s hand from the music library
of Archduke Rudolph and still located in Olmütz [Olomouc].
WSLB-Hds 191.565 Handwritten letter from Schenker to Deutsch, dated July 20, 1930
In this 16-page response to a letter from Deutsch, Schenker thanks his
correspondent for his unstinting assistance (in relation to the third Meisterwerk
yearbook) and underlines the importance of a collected edition of the works of C. P.
E. Bach. — He then launches a long and detailed denunciation of Anthony van
Hoboken’s character, referring in particular to his treatment of Otto Vrieslander,
his ambivalence towards projects associated with the Photogram Archive, and his
absconding to Berlin to study the piano with Rudolf Breithaupt; Hoboken is
thoroughly undeserving of a high honor conferred by the Austrian
WSLB-Hds 191.567 Handwritten letter from Schenker to Deutsch, dated August 15,
Schenker thanks Deutsch for his careful, helpful reading of the proofs
to the third Meisterwerk yearbook. -- Tomay has assigned the autography of the
foreground graphs for the second movement of the "Eroica" Symphony to an apprentice;
these are full of mistakes and will have to be done again. But Tomay’s own work, on
the third and fourth movements, is excellent. -- In a postscript, he comments on his
entry in the most recent Meyers Lexikon, and on a review of the second Meisterwerk
yearbook in the Deutsche Tonkünstler-Zeitung.
OC 54/318 Typewritten picture postcard from Deutsch to Schenker, dated August 27,
Deutsch has no objection to Schenker adding a note about a possible source for
the “Eroica” Symphony in his notes on the text of the work. -- He is happy that reading the
proofs of the third Meisterwerk yearbook has been useful. -- He suggests that the [Austrian]
Minister for Education ought to see the letters that Leo Kestenberg has written about
Schenker’s work. -- He asks Schenker for a possible journalist contact in
OJ 10/3, [139] Typewritten letter from Deutsch to Schenker, dated February 24, 1931
Deutsch has found the source of a letter, of interest to Schenker, which was
cited in a recent newspaper article by Richard Benz.
OJ 5/18, 6 Handwritten letter from Schenker to Jonas, dated April 1, 1931
Schenker congratulates Jonas on his forthcoming publication; — responds to his
question about the discussion in Der Tonwille of a Bach fugue copied out by Beethoven; —
encloses calling card of Mozart.
OJ 10/3, [157] Typewritten letter from Deutsch to Schenker, dated October 16, 1931
In advance of a meeting to discuss the conferral of an honor upon Anthony van
Hoboken, Deutsch asks Schenker to sound out Ludwig Karpath cautiously about enlisting his
support for this action.
OJ 12/6, [11] Typewritten letter from Jonas to Schenker, dated March 24, 1932
Furtwängler liked his essay; Jonas describes his lectures at the Conservatory;
the situation with Einstein over publishing his review of Meisterwerk 3; asks about
permission to consult Brahms's arrangement of Saul.
OJ 12/6, [13] Handwritten letter from Jonas to Schenker, dated July 14, 1932
Jonas reports on his visit to Berlin, where he failed to meet with Furtwängler; —
discusses Brahms-Handel Saul and Beethoven Op. 109. — He has heard about the Fünf Urlinie-Tafeln
from Hoboken and Salzer; — discusses plans for publishing his Das Wesen des musikalischen
Kunstwerkes. — Has received books from Alfred Einstein.
OJ 10/3, [186] Typewritten letter from Deutsch to Schenker, dated October 9, 1932
Deutsch gives an account of a meeting with Hoboken in which the arrangements
for his departure from Vienna – status and state of the library, Deutsch’s payment as
librarian, disposal of music – were discussed.
GdM Briefe HS, [2] Handwritten letter from Schenker to the Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde, dated October
31, 1932
Schenker requests permission to use Brahms's "Octaven und Quinten" in Der freie
Satz or as a separate publication.
GdM Akten 34 ex1932/33, [1] Typewritten letter, carbon copy, from Friedrich Dlabač (Gesellschaft der
Musikfreunde) to Schenker, dated November 3, 1932
The Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde grants permission for Schenker to publish
Brahms' "Octaven und Quinten."
OJ 89/5, [9] Handwritten letter from Schenker to Hoboken, dated November 7, 1932
Schenker reports that the [Vienna] Akademie wishes to introduce his Harmonielehre
into its curriculum in an abridged version. — The Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde has granted
WSLB-Hds 191.575 Handwritten postcard from Schenker to Deutsch, dated January 25, 1933
Schenker comments on an English completion of the “Unfinished” Symphony. He is
waiting for a decision from a Mr. K. [Alfred Kalmus], concerning a proposed
OJ 5/18, 22 Handwritten postcard from Schenker to Jonas, dated January 26, 1933
Josef Marx has expressed interest in class-use of the planned school edition
of Schenker's Harmonielehre; Schenker suggests Jonas's Einführung be placed before Marx; a
second proposal for an English translation of Harmonielehre has come in.
OJ 12/6, [19] Handwritten letter from Jonas to Schenker, dated January 28, 1933
Jonas still has no response from Hoboken re: his Einführung; encloses four
essays; reports on forthcoming article, his teaching and advocacy of critical editions,
planned radio lectures and performance, and other work.
OJ 12/6, [20] Handwritten letter from Jonas to Schenker, dated March 20, 1933
Van Hoboken is willing to advance 600 Mk for the Einführung; Jonas inquires,
in that regard, after the plan to reprint Schenker's Harmonielehre, indicating that he had
previously prepared a reformulation of that work for teaching purposes; — he alludes to
introductory lectures to Furtwängler concerts, and the Handel-Brahms Saul
GdM Briefe HS, [3] Handwritten letter from Schenker to the Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde, dated April 21,
Schenker notifies the Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde that they will be receiving
two complimentary copies of "Octaves and Fifths," and thanks it again for
OJ 10/3, [189] Typewritten postcard from Deutsch to Schenker, dated April 25, 1933
Deutsch has seen Schenker’s edition of a Brahms’s manuscript at the Brahms
exhibition at the Society of the Friends of Music. He reports that Hoboken is
OJ 10/3, [194] Typewritten letter from Deutsch to Schenker, dated June 5, 1933
Deutsch comments on Brahms’s notation of musical canons. Then, in a wide
ranging response to Schenker’s recent communications, he dwells on Hoboken’s decision to
live in Germany for the time being, in spite of the implications for Schenker’s teaching and
his own bibliographical work.
OeNB H Autogr.856/20-5 Handwritten letter from Schenker to Josef Marx, dated July 8, 1933
Schenker asks Marx to intercede with Oswald Kabasta on behalf of Carl
Bamberger for the latter to be relayed on Radio Wien.
OJ 10/3, [214] Typewritten postcard from Deutsch to Schenker, dated July 19, 1934
Deutsch is concerned that Schenker has not replied to his last letter. He has
discovered that a waltz by Johann Strauss the Elder quotes from Beethoven’s “Kreutzer”
OJ 12/20, [2] Typewritten letter from the Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde (Dlabač, Kraus) to Jeanette
Schenker, dated January 15, 1935
The Society send commiserations to Jeanette on the death of her