OJ 9/6, [7] Handwritten letter with inclosure from Eugen d'Albert to Schenker, dated
September 2, 1894
Eugen d'Albert incloses his autobiographical contribution to Schenker's
forthcoming feature article in Die Zukunft. He apologizes for the non-arrival of the
MS piano reduction of his new opera, Ghismonda, which he describes as a
"psychological character sketch," and thanks Schenker for his
OJ 9/6, [18] Handwritten letter from Eugen d'Albert to Schenker, dated May 8,
Eugen d'Albert expresses his determination to study and perform
Schenker's piano pieces in the coming winter, and alludes to Schenker's forthcoming
meeting with Paula Szalit.
OJ 9/6, [23] Handwritten letter from Eugen d'Albert to Schenker, dated October 21,
Eugen d'Albert gives his travel plans for the late Fall. He describes
the difficult situation with Paula Szalit and her family.
OJ 5/16, [2] Handwritten draft letter from Schenker to Hertzka (UE), dated December 25,
Schenker justifies his selection and treatment of instruments in the
Instrumentations-Tabelle, with acid comments about the English, and dismissal of French
WSLB 33 Handwritten letter from Schenker to Hertzka (UE), undated [December 31, 1908 or January
1, 1909]
Schenker defends his Introduction to the Instrumentations-Tabelle and the
exclusion of the heckelphone.
WSLB 103 Handwritten letter from Schenker to Hertzka (UE), dated March 19, 1912
Schenker responds combatively to Hertzka's warning about correction
WSLB 132 Handwritten letter from Schenker to Hertzka (UE), dated August 25, 1912
Schenker returns the contract for Die letzten fünf Sonaten von Beethoven
signed. — Proclaiming "Ex Austria lux," he says that Austria's tradition from Haydn to
Brahms and Dvořák[sic] will now be followed by Schenker's "explanation" (Aufklärung) of that
tradition, which will spawn a new generation of composers superior to the present
"cacophony," with Universal Edition as the agent of that "rebuilding of tonal music" (Aufbau
der Tonkunst). — He alludes to the possibility of teaching for the Gesellschaft der
Musikfreunde's proposed "Hochschule." — He prompts Hertzka to act on the Organization of
Musicians project in the fall.
OJ 10/1, [13] Handwritten letter from Dahms to Schenker, undated but presumably November 1,
Dahms acknowledges Schenker's letter with joy; he is committed to the struggle
against the "other side."
WSLB-Hds 95655 Handwritten letter from Schenker to Seligmann, dated August 5, 1916
Schenker explains why he is reluctant to produce a critical edition with
commentary for Beethoven’s Op. 106: he would wear himself out working on it unless he could
be freed from some of his teaching obligations, and also the autograph manuscript and other
sources are missing. He also defends his sharp tongue in discussions of the secondary
literature in his “paradigmatic” works ("Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony" and the critical
editions of the late Beethoven piano sonatas).
OJ 10/1, [22] Handwritten postcard from Dahms to Schenker, dated November [recte August] 9,
Dahms hopes to be going to Wilna.
OC 1 B/35-40 Handwritten draft letter, in Jeanette Kornfeld/Schenker's hand, from Schenker to
Hertzka (UE), undated [June 10, 1919]
Schenker promises to send Hans Weisse to see Hertzka. In reacting unfavorably to
Hertzka's suggestions that the Foreword to Die letzten fünf Sonaten von Beethoven ... op. 111 be
discarded for its second edition, Schenker puts up a stout defense of his use of polemic in his
writings, contending that art and all manifestations of human life are inextricably
interconnected. He claims that his pronouncements on politics now will prove correct in the long
run. His sole concern is with the truth; he is not interested in pandering to his readers.
WSLB 303 Handwritten letter from Schenker to Hertzka (UE), dated June 12, 1919
Schenker promises to send Hans Weisse to see Hertzka. In reacting unfavorably to
Hertzka's suggestions that the Foreword to Die letzten fünf Sonaten von Beethoven, Op. 111 be
discarded for its second edition, Schenker puts up a stout defense of his use of polemic in his
writings, contending that art, life, and politics are inextricably interconnected. He claims
that his pronouncements on politics now will prove correct in the long run. His sole concern is
with the truth; he is not interested in pandering to his readers.
OJ 10/1, [45] Handwritten letter from Dahms to Schenker, dated September 26, 1919
Dahms responds to Schenker's letter (non-extant). He reflects on Prussian
militarism. He declares that there is no such things as "military genius"; Germany was as guilty
as the Entente Powers for the war; soldiers were treated as slaves by their officers, with
Wilhelm II bearing the ultimate guilt. He rejects all political parties. England does not treat
its people as Germany does. He believes only in the German spirit, which he regards as the
spirit of the world. He cannot wait to leave Germany, and wants only to immerse himself in
Schenker's work.
DLA 69.930/8 Handwritten letter from Schenker to Halm, dated October 27, 1919
Schenker writes of the deteriorating intellectual conditions in Germany and
Austria with respect to other nations, and of the devastating political and psychological
consequences. Schenker praises Halm's Klavierübung for its sensitivity to voice leading, and
speaks of it as an antidote to the decline of musical literacy. He hopes to talk with Halm about
these matters when he moves to Germany.
OJ 11/35, 20 Handwritten letter from Halm to Schenker, dated July 24 and August 19, 1922
Halm announces publication of his three suites for piano trio, and has arranged for two of
them to be sent to Schenker. He thanks Schenker for sending him Kontrapunkt II, and expresses admiration
for the "power of the broad conception" of Schenker's work. He is distressed at Schenker's attacks on
other countries and glorification of Germany, and speaks with appreciation of French and Russian music. He
describes his new publisher.
OJ 10/1, [72] Handwritten letter from Dahms to Schenker, dated October 28, 1922
Dahms chooses to remain in Italy in view of the "moral and physical devastation"
that he hears reported from Germany. — He is committed to Schust & Loeffler for a Haydn
biography. He reports on a review of his book "Offenbarung."
OJ 14/45, [22] Handwritten lettercard from Moriz Violin to Heinrich Schenker, dated May 31, 1923
Apparently replying to a letter from Schenker (not recorded in his diary), Violin
describes the widespread self-disparagement among Germans, and blames Jewish intellectuals for
the defeatist atmosphere in Germany.
DLA 69.930/13 Handwritten letter from Schenker to Halm, dated October 6, 1924
Asks Halm to send some of his chamber music to Rudolf Pollak, with prospect of
performance of the A major string quartet. —Deplores current situation over Sofie Deutsch
stipends. —Reports difficulties with UE and intention to change publisher.
OJ 11/36, [19] Handwritten letter from Hammer to Schenker, dated September 1, 1925
Hammer explains why he can't just take the test print of his Schenker
mezzotint as the final product. -- He speaks of money difficulties.
OC 54/111 Typed letter from Otto Erich Deutsch to Schenker, dated January 8, 1927
Deutsch thanks Schenker for his recent communications, including a copy of the
contract with Drei Masken Verlag for the Meisterwerk Yearbook, and asks for a copy of
relevant extracts from the correspondence with the publishers. He reports progress in the
establishment of a Photogram Archive at the Austrian National Library, with the cooperation
of Dr Robert Haas and financial support from Anthony van Hoboken; similar plans to
photographically reproduce autograph manuscripts are underway at the Beethoven House in
Bonn, and (for manuscripts of Bach and Handel) also in England. He advises Schenker that
proofs will start arriving from the printing-house Waldheim in a few weeks, and expresses
his delight in being able to assist Schenker in the promotion of his work.
OJ 11/54, [10] Handwritten letter from van Hoboken to Schenker, dated January 16, 1927
Van Hoboken acknowledges [non-extant] missive; has been unable to look up Gerald
Warburg; asks for John Petrie Dunn's address; has seen Otto Vrieslander.
OJ 11/54, [12] Handwritten letter from van Hoboken to Schenker, dated January 28, 1927
Hoboken had to cancel his planned visit to John Petrie Dunn because of illness. —
He reports on library visits in London and Paris, discusses manuscripts and conditions for
photography, purchases. — He plans no further trips this season.
OC 54/132 Typed letter from Otto Vrieslander to Schenker, dated February 15, 1927
Vrieslander informs Schenker that Alfred Einstein (DMV) has decided to engrave
the music examples for the second Meisterwerk volume in order to ensure a flawless
reproduction. He also reports that the width of the pages in the supplement will be
expanded, and notifies Schenker of the changes that he will make to the music examples
following this decision. Vrieslander states he has officially enquired with Einstein about
potential problems in the printing process, making clear that Schenker will not be able to
bear any additional costs for printing errors.
OJ 11/54, [15] Handwritten letter from van Hoboken to Schenker, dated August 28, 1927
Hoboken reports on meeting with Furtwängler regarding the Photogrammarchiv, and
expresses the hope that it will be possible to interest Furtwängler in performance according to
the sources in the Archive; he encloses the final version of the "Aufruf" for the Archive, and
discusses negotiations with the Austrian National Library and Ministry of Education. — Comments
on Oppel's plan to teach in Leipzig. — Agrees to Schenker's lesson plan and fee for 1927/28. —
Describes his travel plans, which include meetings with Louis Koch in Frankurt, Ludwig
Schiedermair in Bonn, contact with John Petrie Dunn in England, C. S. Terry in Scotland, and
Maurice Cauchie in Paris, and photographing [of sources] at the [Paris] Conservatory.
OJ 10/3, [67] Typewritten letter from Deutsch to Schenker, dated September 8, 1927
Deutsch has the text of the prospectus for the second Meisterwerk yearbook
prepared by Otto Vrieslander, which the publishers say is too long and he thinks is
unnecessarily repetitious. He is forwarding it to Schenker for his opinion.
OJ 89/1, [5] Handwritten letter from Schenker to van Hoboken, dated September 13, 1927
Schenker acknowledges OJ 11/54, [17], and discusses the nature of a "prospectus"
and the suitability of Vrieslander's text for that purpose. — He expresses an interest in
Hoboken's latest discoveries, and asks whether the latter could inquire in London as to the
whereabouts of the autograph manuscript of Beethoven's Op. 106.
OJ 9/34, [9] Handwritten letter from Cube to Schenker, dated October 29, 1927
Cube has had 'flu; reports on his [conservatory] teaching of Schenkerian theory
(though disguised from the authorities), his private teaching, his work in composition; he has
joined the Reichsverband deutscher Tonkünstler und Musiklehrer. Dunn has sent him his
translation [of part of Kontrapunkt], which he thinks may serve classroom use better than that
of Vrieslander. He is enjoying using his radio; sends two Galtür portraits; his father has had a
WSLB 403 Handwritten letter from Schenker to Hertzka (UE), dated December 23, 1928
Schenker reports on the autograph manuscript of Beethoven Op. 79. — He is
"convinced" that the autograph of Op. 106 is in England.
OJ 14/45, [87] Handwritten letter from Moriz Violin to Schenker, dated October 13, 1930
Violin has just heard that Hans Weisse will be lecturing in Berlin in
December; he plans to go there to hear him. His pupil Agnes Becker, returning from a trip to
London, has discovered that Schenker's Beethoven sonata edition is much in demand,
especially from students at the Royal Academy of Music.
OJ 10/3, [174] Handwritten letter from Deutsch to Schenker, dated July 21, 1932
Deutsch advises Schenker on the wording and placement of an advertisement for
a private seminar in music theory, to be inaugurated in the autumn of 1932. He notes that
Tomay’s invoice for the autography of the Fünf Urlinie-Tafeln was considerably lower than
what was originally estimated. He regrets having to decline an invitation to visit Schenker
during the summer.
OC 18/50 Typewritten letter from Furtwängler to Schenker, dated January 30, 1933
Furtwängler encloses copies of two letters he has sent to Ludwig