OJ 9/20, [4] Handwritten letter from Breitkopf & Härtel to Schenker, dated September 6,
Schenker has announced that he has become the music critic for Die Zukunft and
Die Zeit. Breitkopf & Härtel now send Schenker works he has requested and a list of their
new publications for him to consider for review.
OC 52/14 Handwritten receipt from UE to Schenker, dated June 7, 1904
UE receipt for return of score materials
OC 52/394 Typewritten letter from Ferdinand Rebay (UE) to Schenker, dated October 18,
UE sends proofs of Handel Organ Concertos, vol. I.
OJ 13/37, 7 Handwritten letter from Ernst Rudorff to Schenker, dated January 25, 1909
Rudorff thanks Schenker for the help he gave his daughter in choosing a
birthday present of Bach and Handel, and for his recent letter; — Laments the death of
Robert Hausmann.
WSLB 44 Handwritten letter from Schenker to Hertzka (UE), dated October 18, 1909
Schenker tells Hertzka of the Academy's plans to present a "historical"
concert of works edited by himself.
OJ 6/4, [48] Handwritten letter from Schenker to Moriz Violin, dated November 22, 1909
Schenker proposes program order for forthcoming concert.
WSLB 53 Handwritten letter from Schenker to Hertzka (UE), dated February 15, 1910
Schenker advocates Moriz Violin's pamphlet "Über das sogenannte 'Continuo'"
for publication and explains its connection with a planned "historical
OC 52/46 Typewritten letter from Hertzka (UE) to Schenker, dated March 11, 1910
Hertzka asks Schenker to return a score to the UE Archive.
WSLB 54 Handwritten letter from Schenker to Hertzka (UE), dated March 12, 1910
Schenker asks for proofs of his edition of the Chromatic Fantasy & Fugue,
so that he can correct them over the Easter holidays.
OJ 9/18, [5] Typewritten letter from Wilhelm Bopp (Akademie für Musik) to Schenker, dated May 16,
Bopp sends Schenker an invitation to a concert.
WSLB 75 Handwritten letter from Schenker to Hertzka (UE), dated May 17, 1911
The manuscript of Beethovens Neunte Sinfonie will be handed over complete
tomorrow. — Academy Director Wilhelm Bopp still favors the planned Bach-Beethoven editions
scheme, and Schenker awaits a summons from President Carl von Wiener.— Schenker argues the
case for UE to publish his arrangements of two C. P. E. Bach concertos and a work by
OC B/169 Typewritten letter from Wilhelm Altmann to Schenker, dated dated January 22,
OJ 6/7, [1] Handwritten letter from Schenker to Moriz Violin, dated June 13, 1921
Schenker gives an account of the move into Keilgasse 8 and describes his study in
the apartment. He outlines his holiday plans, and explains how he is raising the fees for
lessons in the autumn.
OC B/152 Handwritten postcard from Wilhelm Altmann to Schenker, dated June 30,
Altmann reports on holdings of Handel keyboard works edition
OJ 8/4, [7] Handwritten picture postcard from Schenker to Moriz Violin, dated July 6, 1921
In anticipation of preparing an edition of Handel's keyboard works, Schenker asks
Violin for the address of a library in Hamburg that would be likely to have an early print or
handwritten copy of Handel's first book of Suites.
OJ 14/45, [11] Handwritten letter from Moriz Violin to Schenker, dated September 1, 1921
Violin announces the formation of a piano trio ensemble with a violinist named
Wolfsthal and the cellist Friedrich Buxbaum, inquires about the proposed edition of Handel's
keyboard works, and reports on the incipient civil unrest in the wake of a national movement in
OC B/148 Typewritten letter from Wilhelm Altmann to Schenker, dated September 9,
Altmann reports on holdings of Handel keyboard works; and on progress in
photographing Beethoven's Symphony No. 5; and thanks Schenker for sending Tonwille 1 and Op.
OC 12/10-12 Handwritten letter from Halm to Schenker dated dated February 1–6, 1924
Halm offers to send two of his books in return for Schenker's Opp. 109, 110, 111;
he discusses the role of improvisation in his own music; he seeks "corporeality" in music, and
its absence in Brahms troubles him; argues the case for Bruckner; asks Schenker to choose a
passage exhibiting non-genius in his or Oppel's music and discuss it in Der
JOB 94-3, [10] Handwritten letter from Schenker to Hammer dated March 12, 1925
Wherever Hammer may travel, Schenker declares, he will never lose his
Germanness. Schenker asserts the superiority post-WWI of the German nation over those of the
west. -- He describes his own pianism: his "fingers are like musical brains." -- He gives an
account of the dispute with Universal Edition and the outcome of negotiations with Drei
Masken Verlag.
OC 54/111 Typed letter from Otto Erich Deutsch to Schenker, dated January 8, 1927
Deutsch thanks Schenker for his recent communications, including a copy of the
contract with Drei Masken Verlag for the Meisterwerk Yearbook, and asks for a copy of
relevant extracts from the correspondence with the publishers. He reports progress in the
establishment of a Photogram Archive at the Austrian National Library, with the cooperation
of Dr Robert Haas and financial support from Anthony van Hoboken; similar plans to
photographically reproduce autograph manuscripts are underway at the Beethoven House in
Bonn, and (for manuscripts of Bach and Handel) also in England. He advises Schenker that
proofs will start arriving from the printing-house Waldheim in a few weeks, and expresses
his delight in being able to assist Schenker in the promotion of his work.
OJ 10/3, [52] Typewritten postcard from Deutsch to Schenker, dated January 15, 1927
Deutsch asks Schenker if a (recent) edition of Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony was
based on the facsimile edition. He has sent the manuscript (of Schenker’s second Meisterwerk
yearbook) to the publishers. A Haydn facsimile and a Handel print can be discussed
OJ 11/54, [12] Handwritten letter from van Hoboken to Schenker, dated January 28, 1927
Hoboken had to cancel his planned visit to John Petrie Dunn because of illness. —
He reports on library visits in London and Paris, discusses manuscripts and conditions for
photography, purchases. — He plans no further trips this season.
OC 54/132 Typed letter from Otto Vrieslander to Schenker, dated February 15, 1927
Vrieslander informs Schenker that Alfred Einstein (DMV) has decided to engrave
the music examples for the second Meisterwerk volume in order to ensure a flawless
reproduction. He also reports that the width of the pages in the supplement will be
expanded, and notifies Schenker of the changes that he will make to the music examples
following this decision. Vrieslander states he has officially enquired with Einstein about
potential problems in the printing process, making clear that Schenker will not be able to
bear any additional costs for printing errors.
OJ 14/45, [71] Handwritten letter from Moriz Violin to Schenker, dated July 18, 1928
Owing to a "complete breakdown," Violin is recovering at a sanatorium in
Schierke, from where he writes. In response to Schenker's previous postcard, Violin had
written more than once to Prof. [Fritz?] Stein for the return of the manuscript of a Handel
arrangement by Schenker, and he will chase him up in August. A pupil of his, Harry Hahn, has
taken upon himself to lecture on Schenker's theories at the local society of composers; for
this he has prepared classroom-size enlargements of voice-leading graphs of a Bach prelude
and a Schubert waltz, and has proved a surprisingly competent and persuasive
OJ 6/7, [41] Handwritten letter from Schenker to Moriz Violin, dated February 27, 1929
Schenker thanks Violin for his concerns, describes how they survived the cold
weather earlier in February, reports that his monograph on the "Eroica" Symphony is finished
and that he has written an article about the Photogram Archive, which has acquired over
seven thousand pages of manuscripts. He looks forward to seeing his friend in the
OJ 9/34, [16] Handwritten letter from Cube to Schenker, dated March 26, 1929
Cube is listening by radio to music being performed in Vienna. The two caricatures are his
fellow composition teachers at Duisburg. Reports on his work at Cologne Conservatory: success with previous
lectures, and forthcoming lecture series.
OJ 10/18, [4] Handwritten letter from Elias to Schenker, dated September 23, 1929
Miss Elias confirms her forthcoming lesson for October 1, and plans to finish
her voice-leading sketch of a fugue by Handel.
OJ 5/11, [1a] First draft of a handwritten letter from Schenker to Furtwängler, in Jeanette
Schenker’s hand, dated November 11‒16, 1931
OJ 5/11, [1b] Second draft of a handwritten letter from Schenker to Furtwängler in Jeanette and
Heinrich Schenker’s hand, dated November 11‒16, 1931
OJ 12/6, [13] Handwritten letter from Jonas to Schenker, dated July 14, 1932
Jonas reports on his visit to Berlin, where he failed to meet with Furtwängler; —
discusses Brahms-Handel Saul and Beethoven Op. 109. — He has heard about the Fünf Urlinie-Tafeln
from Hoboken and Salzer; — discusses plans for publishing his Das Wesen des musikalischen
Kunstwerkes. — Has received books from Alfred Einstein.
OJ 12/6, [18] Handwritten letter from Jonas to Schenker, dated December 15, 1932
Jonas comments on Schenker's article in Der Kunstwart; reports conversation
with Furtwängler; would like to write something on Handel-Brahms Saul; has heard nothing
further from van Hoboken.
OJ 12/6, [19] Handwritten letter from Jonas to Schenker, dated January 28, 1933
Jonas still has no response from Hoboken re: his Einführung; encloses four
essays; reports on forthcoming article, his teaching and advocacy of critical editions,
planned radio lectures and performance, and other work.
OJ 9/12, [9] Handwritten picture postcard from Carl Bamberger to Schenker, dated March 29,
Bamberger asks Schenker to prepare the score and parts of a Handel concerto
grosso in the next five days.
OJ 12/6, [35] Handwritten letter from Jonas to Schenker, dated July 25, 1934
Jonas has changed his travel plans; describes Bayreuth; sends corrigenda list
for his Das Wesen; Roth is working on continuo realizations of Handel.
OJ 9/34, [42] Handwritten letter from Cube to Schenker, dated October 4, 1934
Quotes letter from Furtwängler in extenso touching on reasons for dismissal and
articulating the importance of Schenker's theory; Cube describes the impact of this letter on his
Director. The names of Schenker, Halm, and Kurth were deleted from a recent text of his, and
censorship has been imposed. Describes his own recent activities. Outlines his geometric theory of the
diatonic components of tonality. Encloses photograph of his wife and son; describes hardships. Denies
rumors that he has cheated Moriz Violin, and refers to the resulting backlash on him: Violin has a
"complex", feels downtrodden by everyone.
OC 44/9 Handwritten letter from Jonas to Schenker dated October 27, 1934
Jonas acknowledges OJ 5/18, 59 and 60; Hoboken has no reason to complain about
his behaviour. — As a result of Hoboken's distribution of complimentary copies, Jonas has
received letters of appreciation. —Reacts critically to Willi Reich and his magazine 23. —
Describes plans for forthcoming events in Hamburg.
OJ 70/35, [6] Typewritten testimonial (carbon copy) from Schoenberg concerning Moriz Violin, dated
July 21, 1939
Schoenberg letter of recommendation to "whom it may concern."